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Blazing Saddles campfire scene! When I think of the first time I saw this, I remember laughing, getting dizzy, my dad picking me up because I'd stopped breathing and passed out, and then continuing to laugh.

Bowel platters? Tell me more.

Being way too generous. I'm going with suicide before training camp even finishes.

And we're keeping Weeden!

He's got a really great scream: bright, crisp, and powerful, but not forced. The last person from Seattle who could get that vocal quality was Kurt Cobain.

At first I thought the Flying J rebates scandal was an indication that Jimmy Haslam was yet another CEO sociopath. However, looking at how embarrassingly dreadful his tenure as Browns owner has gone, I'm beginning to suspect the Flying J flap could actually be an honest mistake as the result of Haslam being a

Given how open-ended research on the origin of terrestrial life is, it's probably too soon to rule out panspermia theory altogether. But, I think William of Ockham might have a few things to say about how complicated the theory is, particularly when things like the Miller-Urev experiment results give much simpler

But we're so much closer to getting our AARP membership!

In that case the important thing is preserving the tradition.

I going push for fans to also be able to challenge a call by doing the same with radio batteries or full plastic beer bottles.

Hoomanawanui? Are you sure that's a real name not just Andy Kaufman pulling one over on him?

Hoomanawanui? Are you sure that's a real name not just Andy Kaufman pulling one over on him?

For what it's worth, every time Manning was not in the shotgun position and used the phrase "Omaha," he followed it very quickly with "set" and the play would begin on "set." The times the Chargers jumped were all times he was in the shotgun. When he was in the shotgun the plays did not start on "set" following

Eh, I wouldn't worry too much. "Continue" and "guaranteed" both have three syllables. Whoever put this in the locker-room was being way too generous in their estimation of SEC students' reading abilities.

Look on the bright side, the Saints still managed to injure Percy Harvin, so they'll be getting blood money.

Thank you for posting this.

Dear Auburn students, I know you're hurting after this loss. However, you may find there's a silver-lining when you consider that, no matter what happens, you'll still have a degree from...Auburn— Okay, never mind.

Now the SEC schools can get back to what they were known for first: academic mediocrity.