
Is the pressure drop the prop causes as it moves through the water similar to why contrails form as the wings of a plane passes through the air? If my understanding of why contrails form is correct—and I could be wrong on this—the wing cuts through the air, pushing air aside and creates a pocket of low pressure (as

He has surprisingly good hand writing.

Don't you think you're being a little bit too speculative? All the empirical evidence says fairies.

However, there still might be some very pissed off birds.


The King and I is one of my favorites too. But you're definitely right that the insanely stereotyped portrayal of asians is too unpalatable. It never ceases to amaze me how boldly progressive some of the ideas in Rodgers and Hammerstein shows could be, yet exist right alongside revoltingly casual bigotry. I guess the

AIDS and baby rape jokes are always big hits during the holidays.

Q: How do you get a younger audience to watch musicals?

My Fair Lady might actually work if had the right cast and director (ah-hem Kelli O'Hara and Bartlett Sher). The King and I might work too, but it would be nice to see some something besides another R&H just to change it up. Does anyone actually enjoy the Music Man?

Wallace Shawn staring in Steve Reich's adaptation of Peter Shaffers's Equus directed by Robert Wilson! LET'S MAKE MY CHRISTMAS DREAMS COME TRUE, NBC!

Do we know if they're resistant to flamethrowers? If not, I have an idea.

The City of New York could not give a more fitting tribute to Robert Moses than bulldozing something he loved onto the shitheap of history.

The bullshit unnecessary roughness call didn't help, but if they'd just picked up the fucking ball, none of that would have mattered. Also really missing Phil Dawson tonight.

Mandela was wise to check out before this one got underway.

Poor planing on the part of the folks of Eggenburg, Austria to start building their charnel in the early 14th century. If they'd just waited until the mid-14th century to start building, they would have had enough bones to build a charnel 2o times bigger than the one they did. Honestly, Eggenburg, couldn't you have

Before we start yelling for Jack Bauer, it's important to keep in mind that radiological bombs are not weapons of mass destruction. A more apt description is "weapon of mass disruption."

Makes me feel bad that the fans will be missing out on an evening of fresh air.

Humanity, we've just found our new role model.

My first thought.

Why do I the unshakeable feeling that immediately after this picture was taken The Adonis of Toronto gulped down a family sized serving of Chef Boyardee ravioli straight from the can and then began vigorously the face of the closest stranger?