
It is genuinely miraculous that this mean, base world could produce the graceful creature of angelic beauty that is Rob Ford.

Take it easy, that was meant as a joke. I thought I was laying it on pretty thick. If that came off too dry, I'll make a point to dumb it down next time.

Of course it's unfair, but worrying about logical fallacies in inconsequential shit-talking takes a lot of the fun out of it.

The SEC's scholarly reputation proceeds it.… It wouldn't surprise me to discover this guy is a tenured professor of English literature. #13thgrade #learn-to-properly-use-a-question-mark

Sigh. It's the burden the Big Ten has had to bear ever since the member schools meet and decided being "nationally recognized academic institutions" that provide "worthwhile educations" to students who "understand the word allegiance is not spelled A-L-L-E-G-E-N-C-E" should be the first priority.

Of course, Michigan Men just lose.

My gut tells me you're right. However, since this is the last year of the polls system, I'm hoping the BCS decides to make one last arbitrary and unfair discussion that benefits Ohio State—You know, for old time sake.

I'm happier than an Alabama fan killing a tree!

I was just wondering about that too. Granted, Ohio State's style and schedule this year has been fairly weak. On the other hand, Ohio State, along with Florida State, is still undefeated. Auburn has a tally in the loss column and we'll have to see what that means in the polls.

"I'm going to send Nick Saban a dozen roses for his choice to go for the field goal."

Auburn 34-28. LOL TIDE!

Of course, Derrida was using zombies as a means to explain the psychological distress that comes from the inability to clearly assign objects a clear category rather than an actual dramaturgical essay on what makes zombies scary. :)

Whoa! So noted.

What I love about Indy as an action hero is that he equally embodies physical strength, courage, and intelligence. He's Han Solo with a Ph.D. As a kid growing up in a house where everyone had at least a masters degree, this made him one of my favorite characters. As someone now working as a writer, it really makes me

This might actually be something else. I'd never seen this before, and it's pretty interesting, but Derrida was using the zombie to illustrate categorization. This seems to be more about consciousness and self-awareness.

Derrida built a huge part of his philosophical works around the difficulty of assigning ideas to categorical definitions in terms of binary opposition. I recall him using the metaphor of zombies as a fun way to illustrate the distress that occurs when we are not able to neatly define things as either/or. A zombie is

World War II aviation in North Africa particularly fascinates me because it was the theatre in which my grandfather served. To think that things like this were a common, though not identical (he was US Army Air Corps on a B-17 crew), part of his life from the age of 19 to 21 astonishes me. It's even more astonishing

Evan Williams has a unique ability to dissolve one's stomach lining. The taste isn't too bad, but for some reason it's as caustic as Drano and has the power to induce killer hangovers which last two-days and make you so nauseous you can't even keep down water.


Good to know! If anybody needs me, I'll be at the Bronx Zoo climbing into the lion paddock.