
There was a study I recall from about 15 years ago (I wish I could cite it) that followed several thousand Division I NCAA soccer players for four years while they played in college. In examining the players before and after 4 years of play, they found that neurological the damage they sustained managed to, on

Is there any idea as to when the next launch that's East Coast visible will be?

Who celebrates with malt liquor? On a special occasion like this you really need to spring for paint thinner and 7-Eleven cough syrup.

Oh yeah, huge Jarry fan. I count him as one of my major influences as a writer.

Kent's not too bad if they manage to remember which end zone is theirs.

Servers her right for getting in between the Adonis of Toronto and a hooker begging to have her asshole licked!

Is anybody else disappointed we didn't get to see an RCMP take him down with an animal tranquilizer?

+ 1

I must have missed that, I'm not particularly familiar with the Bible. By the way, I dig the Alfred Jarry avatar you have.

Well, I guess you kind of have a point. That's why I now live in New York. Still, working on your debate skills. Your ability to argue comes off like something from a really dull 7th grader.

Look, I know where you come from the bar is set pretty low, but you’re going have to do better than just repeating “shithole.” Besides, listening to someone from the only state in the union to have negative population growth in the last ten years—people are literally fleeing Michigan like rats from a sinking ship made

For as much as I love this movie, there was always something that bugged me about how Indy just knew not to look at the Ark. Apparently, there was an earlier scene, which wound up on the cutting-room floor, where someone explained to Indy why he shouldn't look at the Ark when it was opened. If that scene is still in


Damnit. It's really hard to reply to sarcasm. Well played.

Rehashing your first statement as an argument? Come on, boo. You can do better than that—Wait, forgot—U of M. Never mind. You're so cute.

Not everywhere can be as breathtakingly beautiful as Detroit.


Elegant wit!

Thank you! I also want to point out that using the term "Post-Modernism," as though it is a definitive ideology like Libertarianism or Marxism, is dubious.