
Is that actually a thing people say? I frequent the reddit and I don’t think anyone implies that

We’re getting to the point where graphics are looking photorealistic enough to trigger my social anxiety.

THAT’S why he looked so familiar. I knew it was someone; I just couldn’t place him.

I liked it well enough, but now after the fact do realize more obviously the lack of anything beyond ‘here are twins, they have powers, and they use those powers to kill people for one reason or another.’”

You know... I liked it mostly. Karin Konoval performance was fun. Small moments were nice. Absolutely zero explanation even attempted for what was going on, but the thriller beats were largely still effective. Ending kind of came out of nowhere.

Yeah. The first episode had me legitimately excited about the rest of the adaptation, and the second episode had me wondering whether to just stop watching there to spare myself the heartbreak.

When I watched that one episode of Black Mirror, I said “Oh. Haze!”

Funny timing. That was literally the plot of a Midsomer Murders episode I watched last week.

Having just finished watching it, I feel like it’s at least a solid B-.

As NuWho season finales go, I... didn’t hate this one?

Midnight is literally a perfectly-paced bottle episode.

Someone who had been very clearly portrayed to be the second-most important person in their own (soon-to-be) marriage.

Yeah, that was a mon-oh-logue.

Now where could my pipe be?

This was a triumph.

Anyway, I liked it.

By baseball standards, though, that’s hitting .333, so that actually kind of tracks question mark?

You had to navigate things to have that option. I got that outcome too, but apparently, you can also just end up with a flat-out choice between the two.

Yeah, that threw me. I was able to broker peace between the two. Eat shit, Jared Kushner.

I thought Daisy doesn’t actually kill the kid in Bioshock: Infinite, getting killed before she can follow through (or not) on the threat. Am I remembering that incorrectly?