
Cersei: “I’m off the deep end.”
Tommen: “Watch as I dive in!”

I’m a simple man with simple desires. You kill Maes Hughes in a scene that leaves me as an absolute puddle on the floor, I’m happy.

Fine. I mean, no, not quite. But fine.

I came prepared to say “Needs more Dr. Akopian,” and... well, Davit’s done good work too! I heard his Yelp reviews are even higher, actually.

Mike Dunleavy, Abdelnaby, Duckworth, Nathan Jawai

What dance moves *have* been copyrighted?

I mean, I’ve never tried it myself, but glass-cutting seems pretty hard.

Fucking THANK YOU.

I appreciate u.

Did you ever end up figuring it out?

His sideburns are legitimately too much spice for this list.

The Mark Price inclusion is bad because without him, we don’t get guys like Steve Nash and Steph Curry. Not going to penalize him for nobody knowing what you’re supposed to do with a guy like Mark Price in 1993.

Hello, friends. I very much want to check this show out and will probably in the next week or two. Can anyone who’s been watching it so far give me a sense of how good it’s been?

Oh yeah, I’m definitely doing an Every Song Ranked bit in advance of Season 4.

For the first time, it’s made me think that umps are kind of all right.

This is killing me. Was that piano riff towards the end of the episode right after she left Nathaniel/Darryl’s office to go back to her own a reprise of a song? It sounded so familiar.

Still, “Sheket bevaka-shut the fuck up!” is one of the funniest things anyone has ever said or will ever say.

They did a reprise (is that seriously how it’s pronounced? I always thought it was “re-prize”) of one of the most meh songs from Season 1 and Rachel Bloom fucking crushed it. As far as I’m concerned, this show can do no wrong.

It’s a villainous portrayal of trauma, if anything. Though I was glad they did grant him that they wanted to help above all else.
