
Do you understand this "whole journalism thing"? As a fellow journalist and editor, I think Newell had the right idea here. The update/correction should have been up top, probably, but this isn't a 2,000-word A1 piece. It went from two to three paragraphs, for crying out loud — you can plainly see the correction

Thank you. I like to think that I am.

Fuck AI. Seriously. He was a smug, arrogant, ball-hogging prick during his playing days, thinking he was above the rules. Now we're supposed to feel sorry for him because he squandered his money and has nothing to fall back on?

Wade definitely seems like the NBA player most likely to name his kid after a kleptocratic regime.

Correction, Sean Newell is a little weasly

You might consider the way some other news organizations do it where they make the change so people who don't finish the article are not misled, but then put at the bottom. *The article has been corrected from an earlier version that suggested that this was aired live, as opposed to an incorrectly edited segment.

It's Sean Newell. On the weekends. At Deadspin. You're asking a lot. Not that I disagree with you but... It's Sean Newell. On the weekends. At Deadspin. You're asking a lot.

Well, he died doing what he loved.

Another robbery happened when Nike charged $180 for the same said shoe. Nike got away with it.

How do the police justify assuming that this is a matter of self-defense? Certainly all the facts are not in, but you can't necessarily respond to a pickpocket with deadly force. "Self-defense" is a legal argument designed to overcome a charge of murder in court, it isn't something the police should accept as a

Obviously I respect Maria Sharapova, but she's going to lose this dick measuring contest by quite a margin.

Gross, some dude banged Serena?

Sorry, I'm sure that's frustrating. I've had a similar experience here with some Jezebel posters and gay issues.Kind of like:

P: How are you?
Me: Fine.
P: Really? Even though you have no power? And everyone is against you? And no one can possibly understand what you're going through?
Me: I don't really feel that way.
P: I

Because conversations about stuff like this usually occur in the manner of:

No, they're imposing their beliefs on me in order to try and make me impassioned about problem that I don't believe exists.

I love how white people and academic black people are pretty much the only ones who get offended by this shit and then feel the need to tell everyone else why they should be offended... You all remind me of church missionaries trying to save my soul from sin.

I'm very confused by the difference between "cultural cross-pollination" and "cultural appropriation"? What is needed for it to be considered . And is it purely a race thing, rather than a cultural thing? If one of my black friends from college who are wealthy/double ivy league legacies and never set foot inside a

Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad