
And by the way, Thomas is a tool. As someone who actively rooted for him during the Anita Hill scandal because he showed an ability to stand his ground and tell congress to go fuck themselves, I thought he had potential to be a decent justice. Instead we get a guy who lacks any intellectual curiosity and makes broad,

Just to clarify, Scalia believes the research in this case is outdated, but won't acknowledge the trends toward cultural acceptance of homosexuality when discussing gay rights. Got it.

Hahaha. Diverse stable of writers at Jezebel? Stop it. Home of groupthink.

You realize the world won't spin off its axis if you actually write "nigger" when talking about someone using the word nigger, right? N-word, N——r, is all bullshit. Nobody is going to call you a racist if you say "Saying nigger is bad".

Ok, can we just all act like adults and say the word nigger when we're talking about the word nigger? I'll let Louis CK explain:

Actually, as a former journalist who left the profession when there was still a profession to leave, an editor would shit his pants if the story wasn't changed and a correction run. As I stated before, say their was a story that said Vince Vaughn died and it turned out Lindsay Vaughn died. Are you suggesting the lead

I just don't think bloggers, some bloggers I should say, understand this whole journalism thing. There's a difference between acknowledging an error and leaving the error up so that people continue to be misinformed. I think they are so scared of being called out by the commentariat that they would rather leave up an

Like if they had the wrong celebrity dying, one would hope they would change it in the lead. Instead of updating it at the end.

I guess this is a second job, done after working a 16-hour shift at Denny's. Because anyone with a modicum of pride would do a better job.

Ok, how about the "he fucking deserved it" defense?

I have to agree that the set-up and headline were stupid. I went into the story expecting the emails to be from actual kids who played that were clearly heavily edited by a coach or parent. Instead, they were just letters by adults (albeit awful ones). Really don't understand why it was worded the way it was.

But why leave the error up if you're fixing it in the headline? Seriously, change the story and say "It said something else but we were wrong. Here's the story." Why have a lead that is still wrong?

Even if it was more honest, why not go for more accurate? Shoot for the stars.

* This was likely an incorrectly edited segment that aired live. The headline has been changed to reflect this.

Yeah, my uncle doesn't like black people because he was jumped by a couple of them, who then robbed him. Can't blame him ether, right?

White appropriation?

The zipper was invented by a white guy in Massachusetts. Quite frankly I'm getting annoyed with other cultures appropriating it.

So this is not okay?

Unless your Miley Cyrus, apparently. Because she's stealing how African Americans speak, according to this entire article.

I bet every time you try and type any word starting with "T" it automatically autocorrects to "troll".