
The point of this article was to...what? Draw attention to an app this site should not want people to visit? Promote the app because it'll teach those men that women can get revenge too? Point out the app as if it's a bad thing but yet end up promoting it because people who never would have seen it now know it exists?

Did you read the one review?

I hate the pressures of my job, but I like the money. I need to win the lottery.

"Tight"? "Get your girl on a leash"? The military is stuck in the past. 1990, to be exact.

Fuck you, you lose.

Here's why you're an idiot. In modeling, other people decide what is attractive. The modeling industry has decided that thin women and thin guys are attractive. It has also decided that women can't have tattoos and men can. It's like any other arbitrary feature that the industry decides is attractive. You have zero

I had a similar situation years ago as a reporter. A black reporter friend of mine was assigned a new beat in a town where I knew there was a lot of racism. I certainly didn't discourage him, but I did give him a heads up that it would take some time to get good sources. He did his job and worked the beat until he got

So, it bothers you that, while working in an industry which is based solely on what other people decide is attractive, the consensus of what is attractive is different from what you wished it was. I feel terrible for you.

I'm tired of arguing about this. I'm just going to rub my nuts on my keyboard. Oxjhjfvkslshfhghfjgkgkgjjf

I literally had to google piles because I had no idea what they are. Apparently you're more familiar. Enjoy your ass sores.

Are you retarded?

I need a show starring Omarosa and Amy from Amy's Baking Company, STAT.

She named one of her kids Kash Kade. I had never heard of her before this very moment and now the world is a little sadder for me because she is in it.

Don't know, but it's awesome they didn't.

Thanks for the link. Until, I read this story I didn't realize his teammates didn't pull a prank, which was his original story.

Best baseball card ever:

Agreed. Part of me thinks that it shouldn't matter what sex the person is. But, given the failed history of this initiative under men, it seems like a different perspective is needed. Here's to hoping she actually has a different perspective.

Wait, so a TV show creates a hole in your life? The only time I feel that way is when Dexter is on hiatus.

Apparently, everything is equal. No judgements allowed period. Tomorrow I'm going to petition the Guggenheim to let my daughter's art work be exhibited. You know, because beauty is subjective and I think her drawings are the bee's knees.

Sorry, I guess you're just fat because you choose to be. My biscuit.