
But it's never as good as the first time.

Is it done? Is it finally over? Can people finally shut up about this thing and reduce the unfunny forced memes coming out of this? Can this rest in peace? No, probably not, they'll probably start more of this until gaming sites stop posting every little accomplishment they do that most of us don't really care. Hell,

clearly your intoxicated review is completely trust worthy.

seems fun, I like it. though I'm not going to drop $60 on a game that is only multiplayer.

Dear Kotaku,

The music in those videos...splendid.

People complain that the WiiUpad's screen is not necessary for playing a game.

Okay, obviously MMO's actually have NPC's, and anyone who has played a Pokemon game knows that those exchange rates are wack, and there wouldn't be lines for Pokemon centers.

>>>The Next Infamous Wants To See Just How Evil You'll Get<<<

Not very.

I have tried to play evil characters in most games that offer the whole Paragon/Renegade, Hero/Villain type gameplay.

Can't do it.

I kicked my dog in Fable 2 and quit the game, deleted the save.

I killed a Little Sister in BioShock and turned off the

I wonder if people will freak out when they don't get into the beta like that one dude did last time. I sure hope so.

> Origin Account required

I don't know about the iOS version, but the Android version you can get it on the Aptoide store or just search for the .APK file and download it. Flappy Bird lives on.

That means their games are going to be available only in the USA, the UK, and Japan.

...Portal was 1 hour long?

It looks as bad as Fast and Furious parts 1 through 867. I'm sure someone is still going to like it anyway. But definitely looks likes a bro-movie.

You guys might think this is ridiculous, but I bet I could get all six of my consoles out of my burning home (sans cables, of course) in no more than 60 seconds. It depends on whether the fire was downstairs or upstairs, but it's not ludicrous.

The worst part about these lists is that I always wanna gloat at how clever my passwords are, but I can't tell anyone what they are. Its the curse of the perfect password, you can never show how brilliant it is.

While I like my Ps4 no doubt....pre-ordered it and got it on release day, I'll be real honest to those that don't have it yet and want it. WAIT until there are more games!