
Would probably help if he didn’t look like a clown. It’s really that nose.

That said this is salvagable if the evolved forms look substantially better.

If you’re signing up, please do remember that it’s called YouTube Red and not Red Tube. Wouldn’t want to get... confused.

Meh... fuck Jimmy Kimmel. Not for this, specifically... just because he’s boring and unfunny.

They then hugged it out, and the segment ended—but not before Kimmel made a joke about how the YouTubers should maybe get out more.


How would Google know how big my penis is?

I only use bing for stuff like that.

While this might not be an official Pokemon product, it looks large enough to sleep one adult.

Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny

Hey, it's not pirated, it's the The Sims 4: Minecraft Edition.

Please tell me its arms are just tucked in and he didn't actually lose appendages through evolution.

Generally in sequel you dont remove stuff you add it

So no movie can ever use burning buildings in posters again? It's not even clear that it's a NY building, there's just plain sky in the background. I'm not even getting into the date coincidence because being mad about that it's just stupid.
C'mon guys, it's been 13 years already.

If the moves, EVs and IVs are legitimate, who cares? I really don't understand the purist attitude when it comes to what is ultimately a strategy RPG, especially when the effort required to breed them with the right moves is just busy work. The skill and challenge of the game comes from the strategy, not biking

The problem with this is that the lips are still drawn on the side. If they simply smoothed it out it would look better.

It's not a Fatal Frame game until we start capturing spirits with a special camera, a rule that works for the movies as well. This particular film, not to be confused with the Hollywood version that's been kicked around for ages, is an adaptation of a novelization of Tecmo's beloved horror franchise. Teen models

2048 blew Threes out of the water because 2048 is free.