Yeah.. but in the case of a snapped belt, you will most likely lose your belt-driven water pump. So overheating will still happen since coolant is no longer being circulated; regardless of the fan being on or off.
Thanks for the explanation - I guess when the DMV wants to make a point, they drive your car insurance premium through the roof!
How the hell does one get 16 suspensions on their license?
Yeah.. I hear you, but still needs more power. What performance car is this supposed to compete against? Please do not mention the Fiat 500 Abarth... I said "performance car". *firesuit*
As a Cayenne owner too, I didn't think we would be getting a little brother!
I get it and agree. Given the way that was written, it appears as an editorial piece, which is never promised to be fact-based. However, it is sure to be very opinionated from the author. As such, he is entitled to live in his own little bubble.
I agree with you that I am sure the income from the highest sellers help fund development for the lowest sellers. However, it diminishes the credibility of these higher sellers and makes me cringe.
Gladly! Lynch mobs aren't my kind of scene. that case, carry on :)
Do we have to call an author an idiot because he does not share the same ideas and beliefs? Why not let him be content driving his presumable boring appliance?
Hahaha... you are right. This video would have been much more relevant comparing comparing all-seasons with winter tires. And possible showing the benefit of winter tires when cornering. They can learn something from tire rack:
When will the Gran Turismo series finally hash out the licensing for Porsche. Not sure how they are not more diligent and persistent on this. RUF is a side-step and not cutting it.
Close, but Gen Y and Millennials are one in the same:…