
That pinky ring should be a felony. Jesus Christ.

Take your star, you beautiful ghoul.

I find it hilarious that he put all of this legalese jargon about Cohen helping with long term “legislative and regulatory policy development.” The dude is barely a lawyer. Call it what it is: we paid this moron a bunch of money so he’d tell Trump to approve the merger, but we didn’t realize he has no pull whatsoever.

Yeah, there is no way Cohen isn’t indicted and flips on Trump. He has Fredo written all over him. More and more pay to play dollars will emerge; there’s no way that is the only shell company he had money flowing, and all these companies keep changing their story about how much they paid him. So far, he lied to his

If I were them, I would start screwing off at work; play online poker, get caught up on Game of Thrones...hell, they could have a Cheetoh ball contest like on The Office. No one is there to care.

It is difficult for me to drudge up any sympathy, because as I said in a separate comment, she knew exactly who he was when they started dating, especially the philandering part. She was a mistress! When it is a parent, I know it makes it that much more difficult. For my wife, she always says she can love him from

Serious questions: don’t you lose voting privileges when you’re convicted of a crime? Wouldn’t that also prevent you from running for public office?

The only agenda she could push that wouldn’t be at odds with this administration is the advancement of the Trump family.

My wife has the same issue. Her dad is a malignant narcissist, and every 4-6 months he sweeps in with his bullshit and causes a lot of damage. It’s tough to watch, but she thankfully doesn’t keep him around.

Yep...still don’t have any sympathy for her. He was a monster decades before they ever married, and they even started dating while he was still married to someone else. He’s a disgusting philanderer, full stop.

I was joking the other day that you could tell a person that has never seen the movie that a quote by Walter Sobchak was a quote from John Kelly, and it would be perfectly believable.

Every single photo of this prick that is attached to an article about his gross corruption makes me just want to punch him in the head. Every. Single. One.

If he reached Trump, I’m sure the conversation was very enlightening to the feds.

A question for the attorneys: so, judging from what was revealed the last two days by Giuliani, he clearly knows the actual truth of the whole situation and either bungled it, or really intentionally released it. If this is the case, and Trump is subpoenaed for testimony and Giuliani knows he’s going to lie under

I’d imagine that Kellyanne has so little scruples, she actually doesn’t care at all about Trump’s cause and beliefs (or lack thereof). She was hired to be his shill, so she is his shill. There is no chance she doesn’t also say he’s an utter moron behind his back to her husband. It doesn’t make her look any better,

How is he still rocking those ugly ass pin-striped suits? What is this, 1992?

My doctor is like this, but also high fives me and calls me ‘dude’ and ‘bro’. It took about 5 trips over the years for me to finally decide I was okay with it. He’s a good doctor and doesn’t look like a dudebro type.

It’s amazing the mental gymnastics Hannity will do to justify anything Trump does or says. Once upon a time, Obama’s mustard and suit color choices were DEFCON 1.

Right!? When does she ever talk at someone like Jim Acosta with anything but condescension and full-throated vitriolic hatred?

This. MacArthur was a brusk, hyper-masculine asshole who thought he was above reproach. In his mind, the army always knew best. However, he did reject the racial superiority of whites.