J.J. really kicked his fanny tonight!
J.J. really kicked his fanny tonight!
Because Kobe won titles without Phil Jackson. Setting the precedent to an already whiny, immature player that he holds the keys is such a bad idea.
Amen! I tried jogging down the stairs once while drunk, slipped, hit my ass on the corner of a stair, and rolled down the rest of them like a stunt man. What developed in the following days was the most heinous ass bruise you could imagine. At no point did I develop any other bruises or “signs of falling down”. It…
By the time I was 29, I was slightly overweight (200 lbs on a 6’1” frame) and had horrible eating and exercise habits. Around then, I started getting really bad stress related headaches and panic attacks. I would feel tightness in the artery in my leg. I finally went to the doctor and my blood pressure was pushing…
But...all of that leadership!
The filmmakers incredulous, “Whaaaaa!?” Is the best part.
Thank you so much for this, Diana. In addition, please please please donate any extra clothing, housewares, or toys you have to your local battered women’s shelter. Goodwill does not need your unused items as much as these shelters do. Many times, a woman is forced to flee with their children without even a bag of…
He’s just a kid having fun out there!
And this is all coming from a guy that looked like a fucking safety playing quarterback. The guy had absurd guns even in his sophomore year.
That got dark.
I am waiting for some Death Penalty level violations to be found in the Baylor system. They became so good, so fast. Like, CJK2H crazy shit.
The part when he’s hiding under the stairwell and Vader threatens to turn Leia (the music swells, Luke screams NO, and proceeds to pummel the shit out of him)....MOTHERFUCKING CHILLS!
That’s a ton of uniforms. About 20 seconds in, it looks like a coach or equipment guy RKO’d a player. I've watched it several times and can't quite follow what happened.
Thanks so much for this heads up! My Dane has extreme anxiety with fireworks starting when she was a little pup. I took her outside to use the bathroom, and some assholes fired off M80s in the street. She freaked, ran inside, and it took me almost half an hour to find her. She had somehow fit herself between the…
Goddamn, the unspoken rules of baseball make it so insufferable. I’m all about “be a professional, act like you’ve been there” and all of those platitudes...but.BUT! He really crushed that fucking ball in an elimination game. Lighten up.
Looks like Team Khloe will win this weeks Fantasy match ups.
This seems really Spurrier of the moment.
To be fair, there is such a thing as fundamental differences of personality. You touched on it briefly, but Ronaldo is a brilliant football player with a great work ethic and also loves being a celebrity and center of attention. To date, Bale has had zero interest in being a media darling and probably would take a…
0.4 from Derek Fisher. Fuck that guy with Matt Barnes fist.
Wait, so his massive name-clearing story was that he talked shit to a crazy now convicted murderer, crazy person said he would shoot him, and he decided the best action was to bring guns to practice days after a random encounter and lay them on the chair? Yeah, Gilbert. Total Lol’s on your part. Sorry we got that…