
It is still a weak argument drawn out over 1000 words. He may have all of the tangibles and intangibles down, but he still blew major plays, and that is what matters. It's not an unfair critique of his performance this far. In football, a cornerback is only as good as the big plays he doesn't allow. You can be

He looks like he was arrested in Tombstone, circa 1896.

Bay has had the same shtick since his early years. When he was in film school, his classmates were making dark and brooding experimental films, while his project was some handsome blond dude driving around in a yellow Porsche.

Whataburger is the greatest.

I agree. I love HEB. I shop there weekly, I enjoy the Spurs commercials that accompany each basketball season, and even take in a few cheap games in the HEB Fanzone at AT&T to watch people chase giant red balls falling from the rafters to win grocery grabs at the mega chain. However, I don't want to see it adorning

I know we have plenty of rancor for Bill Simmons on this site, but he said it back in 2006 that if you think the Levitra Stanley Cup or the Nabisco NBA Finals isn't coming, you are crazy.

Back in '99, Popovich said to Van Gundy that he won because he had Tim Duncan. I think he could have said the same thing to Spoelstra because he had Kawhi. That guy is unbelievable.

Sportswriters heads would implode at the thought that the Patriot Way is horseshit.

NYC vs LA? Gary Bettman just had an orgasm.

This may sound like homerism, but I really feel San Antonio residents got the best deal on the AT&T Center. Of the $186 Million, $30 Million was contributed by the team, $90 Million was culled from private investors who received small ownership percentage of the arena, and the rest was funded by a ten year "tourism"

I could not have gotten a more accurate mental picture of Murray without the "shape-shifting coyote trickster god" comment. Spot on.

"In another report, Joerger didn't remember Pera's birthday, resulting in a the silent treatment from Pera."

There are always lots of missed calls during a game. I've ceased to really complain about officiating like some of my friends. It almost feels like bitching about gas prices. For instance, Manu always gets away with about 3 hand checks. I mainly got upset about that call because that could have been a pretty big spark

As a Spurs fan, I am not as concerned as I was in 2012. They're still pretty one dimensional offensively without Harden. The Spurs were just playing poorly all the way around, and those third quarter foul shots didn't help. The real deflating moment was the offensive fall called on Mills when Durant got into his

Falcon Punch!

I agree with the above post. I think they were just trying to show history. People are hung up on the fact he was a seventh round pick and didn't deserve the coverage, but according to many sources, he was 4th round talent. I'm sure the media coverage was planned far in advance with the expectation that he was being

What a great moment. Despite everything that has unfolded with the "distraction" horse shit, this guy is a great football player. Watching his highlights truly shows he is going to work very hard to make the roster. Hats of to Jeff Fisher and that front office.

As someone who works for Corona, it's incorrect that it's intentionally skunked. In the south, product rotates so fast, that it usually tastes pretty fresh.

Great post, sir. I had to be the voice of reason to my wife that, no, Pinterest ideas aren't as easy or cheap as you might think. Since we were paying for it, we definitely decided what was important and built out from there. For instance, we are both in the booze business and it was all going to be donated, so we

Rob, I'm telling you this for your own good, that's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen, that's a Cosby sweater. A Cosssssssby sweater. Did Laura let you leave the house like that?