What I saw in the first paragraph: "Stupid ."
What I saw in the first paragraph: "Stupid ."
He's slowing becoming one half of a 70's undercover police duo.
The man planned the attack for months; stockpiled ammunition, purchased body armor, and tried to apply to a gun range. This was not a psychotic episode that happened at random. While I apologize for you taking the statement as an admonishment of the insanity plea in general, it was meant more to admonish his decision…
Thank you for this. She was a dear friend and I certainly miss her ridiculous clumsiness. Sad to see the killer is trying to take a cowards way out.
Beating the Lakers in '03, Game 5 in '05, '99 Playoff run that saw the Spurs sweep Portland and Los Angeles....
The mustard is also the balls.
That's a pretty piss poor, lazy assessment of the city. They have fully embraced their beautiful Hispanic culture, artwork, and music. If I used your technique, Toronto ain't that great either; poutine and wannabe New Yorkers. A great city and a great basketball team don't always have to go hand it hand. After all,…