Ashley is quickly becoming my favorite Gawker writer.
Ashley is quickly becoming my favorite Gawker writer.
io9 is effectively retired (they’ll deny it, but it is) and Gizmodo isn’t interested in movie reviews.
I saw the film last night, and critics can say whatever they want but I liked it a lot. It’s the best DC film since TDK, and it effectively gets you to care about its main cast of sociopaths. It has a lot of flaws but it’s a fun film.
I keep saying this — it’s not a glitch. Niantic’s servers were hit hard by the unprecedented demand for this game, and calculating the distance to nearby pokemon was one of the expensive processes. They turned it off to save bandwidth and processor time, to keep their server farms from bursting into flame.
For almost a year I’ve been seeing Hillary-bashers on the internet trying to win an argument by asking someone to list any of Hillary’s accomplishments. Those trolls have gone *very* quiet this week.
I think Barack has shown that if enough pressure is applied, Black does crack.
Just a note about the toss circle: If your ball hits the pokemon — as in, it hits the 3D model in any way — it will attempt to capture the pokemon. If your ball hits within the moving circle, you’ll get a small bonus to capture rate. If your ball hits within the moving circle when it’s very small, you’ll get an…
Pokemon are known to spawn in certain locations by biome. So what this map is going to end up being is a biome map by way of Niantec’s databases.
This is part of the point of Donald Trump. Trump is a discordian attack on democracy itself. Everything that is lauded and respectable in normal politics is anathema to him, and everything that is reviled in normal politics empowers him.
Right now I don’t think so. Maybe someday. I’m just going by what I read here and on reddit.
All three teams are pretty well represented in different parts of the country. Here it’s almost all yellow and red; I haven’t seen any blue.
Screw that. I’m not dying for anything less than a pikachu.
Kara, you’re a journalist. Journalists write about murdered people. At this point in history, black people are disproportionately murdered, and that might remain true for longer than your lifetime. So yes, you are going to write about murdered black people, forever.
Trevor Noah has talent and he’s not bad on TDS, but he’s just not right for the position. I think it’s because he’s not American. He doesn’t really have skin in the game, and he doesn’t get angry at the political bullshit the way Jon did. Satire is a form of aggression, and Trevor is just non-aggressive. I still watch…
I don’t play betas. It’s not worth my time to possibly fuck up my PC with untested, unreleased software. For a $60 dollar game you better give me a demo or no sale.
I don’t *want* an online multiplayer game, but I’ll play a good one if it appeals to me. Which is why I wish Overwatch had a demo or a free-to-play option just so I could try it. I’m wary of giving money to Blizzard only to receive a terrible game. (e.g.: Diablo III)