This is part of the point of Donald Trump. Trump is a discordian attack on democracy itself. Everything that is lauded and respectable in normal politics is anathema to him, and everything that is reviled in normal politics empowers him.
This is part of the point of Donald Trump. Trump is a discordian attack on democracy itself. Everything that is lauded and respectable in normal politics is anathema to him, and everything that is reviled in normal politics empowers him.
Is it just me, or...
Right now I don’t think so. Maybe someday. I’m just going by what I read here and on reddit.
All three teams are pretty well represented in different parts of the country. Here it’s almost all yellow and red; I haven’t seen any blue.
Screw that. I’m not dying for anything less than a pikachu.
Don’t forget that it also has a good dash of competitiveness in it, which enhances the social aspects. Here’s a quick and accurate graphic on the characteristics of the three teams:
Kara, you’re a journalist. Journalists write about murdered people. At this point in history, black people are disproportionately murdered, and that might remain true for longer than your lifetime. So yes, you are going to write about murdered black people, forever.
I live in a cornfield in South Dakota, and I was excited to see what kind of rare, probably-grass-type, pokemon might be near me. So I got this game and booted it up, ready to walk, and...
Trevor Noah has talent and he’s not bad on TDS, but he’s just not right for the position. I think it’s because he’s not American. He doesn’t really have skin in the game, and he doesn’t get angry at the political bullshit the way Jon did. Satire is a form of aggression, and Trevor is just non-aggressive. I still watch…
I don’t play betas. It’s not worth my time to possibly fuck up my PC with untested, unreleased software. For a $60 dollar game you better give me a demo or no sale.
I don’t *want* an online multiplayer game, but I’ll play a good one if it appeals to me. Which is why I wish Overwatch had a demo or a free-to-play option just so I could try it. I’m wary of giving money to Blizzard only to receive a terrible game. (e.g.: Diablo III)
I swear, beautiful dogs have mind control powers. Their cuteness and majesty cannot be denied. I have to live with these handsome beasts:
It was an iron meteorite blade. They found a meteorite that was made of iron, and they cold-hammered it into a blade. They had no smithies that could work iron at the time.
Why? You think things can’t be cute and heavy metal at the same time?
Jokes aside, I wonder if there’s a real sociological observation going on in here. America has looked like it’s on the precipice of revolution for a decade or more because of severe inequality. But that’s mostly affected minority populations. I wonder if there’s a sociological tenet that revolutions don’t actually…
I think the problem is that we are shipping 100,000 people into the hot zone, letting them baste for a few weeks, then shipping them back across the entire globe.
Are you sure you aren’t mishearing them say ‘Thorax Whore’?
1000 pounds of thrust would send him into a parabolic arc pretty quickly. I’m more inclined to believe it’s 1000 horsepower.
Flying headfirst with a wingsuit would drastically cut down on power consumption, and so you could get away with carrying a heavier load of fuel
Does this mean we can still stream Monster Girl Quest, i.e. the Best Game of the Year, Every Year?