
I think it’s nice that Chris Christie’s relatives are stumping the polls for him.

You must really hate Joe Scarborough if you want to put him in a cage with a robot.

Wolf should have countered with, “Do you think it’s a problem that you don’t understand what the voters are saying about you?”

Going by my extensive knowledge of Car Wars as a teenager, I’m guessing they use solid rubber tires that can’t be damaged by gunshots. What they apparently are lacking is a solid tire with a winter tread.

I created this back in 2012. I’m sort of glad the presidential campaign has graduated to a better class of fantasy fiction.

I can’t believe that nobody in this thread has mentioned Jessica Rabbit.

This reminds me of Amiri Baraka’s advice. “You’ve got to be a spirit, Bulworth. Not a ghost!”

Worst. Possible. Answer.

That was part of the zeitgeist. It’s a trope older than dirt that virtuous suffering innocents are among the casualties in any fairy tale. Or in other words:

I don’t think the problem is that they couldn’t make a H-bomb. I think the problem is that this explosion was too small to be one. If that’s what they intended then it most likely failed in the second stage.

I haven’t had a gay experience since 1998, and because of this FDA rule I haven’t been able to give blood for the past 17 years. Good to hear that now I’m ‘clean enough’ for them. Have to pay a visit to the Bloodmobile next time it’s around...

Where’s “short-fingered vulgarian”? Was that 2014?

Cue the news about Russia bombing Turkish ground armor in 3...2...1...

Yeah, this is kind of on-topic for me, too. My parents divorced when I was 9. (I’m now 48.) My father got custody and remarried; my bio-mother didn’t re-establish contact until a couple years ago, after my father died. Now she’s trying to get close to me and my sisters in various unnerving ways.

I am a professional Devil’s advocate, and I will give you positive ISIS values. Just realize that I do not believe or advocate *any* of what follows.

And that’s entirely reasonable. But psychologists do give a shit, because they are paid to.

That’s the point. If pedophilia is a person’s only sexual outlet, there’s nothing you can do but desexualize them completely with chemicals. But if a pedophile can also have sex with appropriate partners, you can teach them to prefer those partners and abstain from their pedophilic urges.

Counterpoint: I’m having a bug where taskwin.exe does not stop when I try to shut the machine down. It hangs for a while on the shutdown screen, and then taskwin somehow cancels the shutdown and beings me back to an active desktop.

People see fascism; I see a business opportunity. Gotta check and see how much it will cost to manufacture crescent moon buttons for people to wear on their lapels. Oh, not for the registered muslims. *Everyone* will be wearing one, to protest such a stupid policy. I predict moon buttons will be the next Guy Fawkes

You’re missing the point. If the expert says he’s treatable, then he’s potentially treatable. That’s a psychological statement. It has nothing to do with whether he wants treatment or not. (But he’d be stupid to refuse it.)