Of course, the cats wouldn't go anywhere near a polar bear-dog.
Of course, the cats wouldn't go anywhere near a polar bear-dog.
They're working on it.
In my webcomic set in the 22nd century, Brazil was the first nation to recreate a paleolithic species, the Giant Ground Sloth. I'm glad to see future history progressing according to my plans.
Oooh, good choice. He's a complete bastard, but he's a really really competent bastard. We've had incompetent bastards running our government for too long.
I'm sorry, you're mistaken, but I see how easy it is to get confused. Mitt Romney has a fiction-based character, but he's a real person.
No contest. There's only one person — er, pony — who will insure that America will relearn the value of harmony, which is something we desperately need right now. Also, she controls the sun, so there's the 'strong on defense' angle. Vote Princess Celestia!
Mesplodon — Bigfoot of the sea!
It looks as if that's the tactic Google took. The Nexus 7 has a poor Intensity scale (really, it's about the only 'poor' mark the Nexus 7 got) but blows the other pads battery life out of the water (9.1 hours versus 6.6 and 6.1).
You turn '12 hours of 8 inches/hr rain' into '11.9 hours of 8 inches/hr radioactive rain'.
It's a category 1 storm, with category 3 barometric pressure, that's the second largest hurricane on record, with an arctic core spliced onto it like a Hyundai with a monster truck engine, and it's all pointed at the most populated region in the country.
The wind is not the problem. The problem is the tremendous size of the storm, the rainfall (and snowfall, now that it's merged with a cold storm core), and the extremely large ocean surge, all barreling toward one of the most populated areas of the world. This storm will cause blackouts for 1/6th of the population…
To prepare for the hurricane, I called my sister to ask her if our beach house in Wildwood, NJ, had flood insurance. It does not.
Total biomass of all the forests on Earth is about 550 billion tons. If there are 3.5 trillion plants, that's about 1/6th of a ton per 'plant'. Which, yeah, seems more than enough.
Dude. Atlantic City is going to be underwater starting Monday. Like, the entire city. Seriously, be careful.
That won't help if all the power is out. The meteorologists are freaking out and saying that power may be out across the East coast for weeks.
Nightmare scenario — Sandy zooms up the Delaware Bay and lays waste to Philadelphia. Half the population of Pennsylvania is in the Philadelphia area, and they vote mostly Democratic. As Philly is still covered in mud and snow on Election Day, Pennsylvania goes Republican and Mitt Romney gets elected.
If you and hundreds of your fellow travellers are stoned to death in a giant hailstorm while on a spiritual pilgrimage, you might be following the wrong religion.
Liberty or safety. Choose one.
They're rebooting all the old properties, aren't they? Wake me when 'Jabberjaw: Underwater Crimefighting is Magic' comes out.
B5 is high-concept space opera, with alien races from before the dawn of time, rivalries that last eons, and frail human beings finding their place in the cosmos. That's the basis of the show.