Frankly, I don't even know what the star is for. :) I haven't understood how this place works ever since the site design change. Whatever it's for, I'm not pining for it.
Frankly, I don't even know what the star is for. :) I haven't understood how this place works ever since the site design change. Whatever it's for, I'm not pining for it.
Wow. A long article about a game that I thought was rather bleah. So bleah that I didn't bother getting ME2. It must have been terrific, to inspire this kind of devotion.
Oh, you found my pictures! I work for the Landsat project, and I was the creator of several of those images...all the ones from Landsat, if I recall.
Wikipedia disagrees with you. They're not a final authority, of course, but they are citing NASA on this point.
Why limit yourself to contemporary poetry?
Water vapor causes the sky to be blue. The sky on Mars is brownish because of dust, but oxygen wouldn't change that much. If Barsoom in the movie is depicted as a desert planet then the sky shouldn't be blue. (In the books a lot of the planet has jungles and forests; I'd buy a blue sky there.)
Tyrell: The facts of life: To make an alteration in the structure of a LEGO life system is fatal. A block sequence cannot be revised once it's been established.
Yeah, but if the total you can trip from NASA is equivalent to a day's worth of war, doesn't that indicate that you should be cutting the war funding first?
Hmmn, I'll bite.
'Significant' doesn't have enough meaning. I saw a presentation by Stephen Gould about how the movie was made from his book, and in his words, "I have a book, they have a movie. There are one or two similarities."
I believe that Lucas believes what he's saying. I also believe that he's getting delusional in his old age.
Uh...the taste receptors in our tongues react to artificial sweeteners also. If the receptors in the pancreas react to artificial sweeteners, could it cause unnecessary production of insulin, which could lead to type II diabetes?
It's clear to me that io9 insists on talking about Genocide Man — where biological warfare can be tuned to take out specific families or individuals — without actually mentioning the comic itself. ;)
If they find the Higgs boson at the current energy they're looking at, then there's a flaw in the Standard model that predicts the existence of a 'higgsino' — a fermionic version of the Higgs. That'll be the next search.
They can fix it if it's bad enough. Mine isn't that bad, I control it very well with diet. If surgery is more risky than letting the problem be, I vote for letting it be.
The internet is infested with My Little Pony, and io9 happens to be on the internet. Ain't nothing can be done about it. Friendship is memetic.
Due to a hiatal hernia, I'm not supposed to consume caffeine, chocolate, citrus, carbonation, alcohol or mint. When I was diagnosed I went cold turkey on all of those, and the lack of caffeine made me a life-hating zombie for months. Ugh.
I clicked on this article just to vote for Ziggy and the Spiders. Maybe we're just old, Wyldemusick. Oh, well. Buckaroo Banzai is my second choice, and there'd be less chance of a riot.
I'm *hoping* they're avoiding it in the trailers because it's a big reveal in the film (1). You wouldn't want a trailer for Sixth Sense that told you Bruce Willis played a dead guy, would you?
I agree completely with this article if you replace all instances of 'pulp aesthetic' with 'fuck yeah awesomeness'. Because really, they are the same thing. And Burroughs matters because he taught us what it was.