
I think the answer to the Lion King question is found in Arthurian myths, since they're similar. 'The King and the Land are One'. Mufasa was a vibrant, fertile leader. Simba will be a vibrant, fertile leader. Scar is a dried-up infertile lion who's dead inside. The land reflects all of that.

I wonder how much of that was localized to the region the movie was played in? With computer graphics it wouldn't be difficult to have a scene with a newspaper redone several times, each time in a different language. Then send France all the scenes in french, while Britain and America get the scenes done in English.

Bah. I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me in the past month. Darn dragons are everywhere in Skyrim.

Maybe 50 years after we lose the civil war that SOPA/PIPA starts. We're not going to go from our current state to soul-broken drones without a little shootin' first.

I think that's the entire reason behind doing a third film. They want the original team to hand off the ghostbusting business to someone new, just like Indiana Jones tried to do with Mutt. But the script probably stinks as much as the last Indiana Jones movie did for the same reason.

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Of course the best 'Star' movie ever was 'Dark Star'. Sentient beachballs, a philosophy-obsessed planet buster bomb, and all of it directed by John Carpenter. Great B-movie.

Could that cobweb-like stuff possibly be...cobwebs?

I'm colorblind — protanopic, if I recall correctly — and also an artist, which is why my webcomic is in grayscale.

If they follow the theme of the womens' ads — checking yourself — they can only feature Reed Richards, Ralph Dibny, and Plasticman.

I am a physicist, so I'm going to ask some harder questions. Feel free to skip them if you want to tackle other, easier ones.

But how many of those animals we shot into space got their own statue?

I think you got Labyrinth wrong. Everybody knows that babies have the power of voodoo, and the secret to wielding that power is child abuse. ("Slap that baby, make him free!")

If the beholder and the pink armadillo got in, I think Leliel has a right to be on the list. :)

When dealing with a topic like sexual receptiveness, could you please use a verb other than 'yanked'? ;)

If you're not finding commenters on this list, it's because we're hiding. :)

My favorite would have to be Leliel, from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Certainly one of the most imaginative...and deadly.

Schizophrenia is a disorder marked by hallucinations and problems understanding reality. Gollum didn't see or hear things, and he understood what was going on around him just fine. He's dissociative, as one part of a meaty sociopathic complex.

Fin Fang Foom is Wolverine's penis?

My guess is that Herschel was hoping the group would give up and leave before they found out about his barn full of walkers. As soon as they found out, he took Rick on a field trip to snare some walkers, and bring them back to the barn. At that point he'd say to Rick, "There's that little girl you've been looking

5. Intentional sabotage, from an engineer who was bought out by a competing country (possibly but not necessarily the US).