
Ah, maybe that’s why my Pawmo took so long to evolve even though I had looked up the evolution method. For the others, I just found a flat area and angled the camera such that I could just hold the analog sticks to the right to run in a circle (so I could run but the ‘mon could keep up) while I watched something on my

I’ve been trying to keep myself pretty unspoiled for the new gen 9 Pokemon (still don’t know what my Quaxwell evolves to, hopefully it’s not the massive step down that Quaxly was to Quaxwell), but I had to look Pawmo up. So yesterday I tried to get a ton of steps with mine, but as you specify here, I was apparently

Because they don’t have any collision programmed. It’s an intentional design. Have you ever played a video game before? Tons of them have clipping due to intentionally not adding collision, even among players and certain NPCs. It’s extremely common.

It does that for all Pokemon that are flying in the air, so it looks to be the expected behavior. 

That’s basically the difference between a pay-to-play and a free-to-play game.

It’s funny, because this is the first pokemon game I’ve ever seen that doesn’t need a shiny trick. Now that you can see shiny pokemon in the wild, the whole system actually adds something to the game, and makes it more fun.

It’s less a bug rather an unexpected interaction between 2 mechanics. The despawning must be to save resources and prevent wild pokemon to interrupt the picnic. Will they remove shinies from outbreaks altogether or just let it be? It’ll be interesting to see how they tackle this.

So it changes nothing, got it.

I’ve been playing Sonic Frontiers for the past 23 hours and am really enjoying it.
That is all.

Man I know Sega was originally looking to compete with Mario when creating Sonic but he really did evolve into like a full on Anti-Mario.

Just a note for anyone wanting to check out the Chainsaw Man manga: it’s part of Shonen Jump’s $1.99 a month binge reading subscription, which allows you to read manga on both their app and website. On top of that, new issues are released on the same day as Japan, and the most recent three issues of any currently

The anime Golden Boy showed me a long time ago that there’s a right way to ride a motorcycle...and a VERY right way.

Wild that the company would throw him under the bus instead of just working together to fix the problem. I’m sure harsh words were said on both sides and toes were stepped on, but someone needs to swallow their professional pride and smooth this over.

I understand the desire to get a pot shot off, but you understand these two situations have nothing in common besides being disputes between a company and a contractor? I don’t recall Helena taking years’ worth of public character assassination on Platinum’s part before speaking out, I don't recall her providing a

Forget the OST. If true, it’s fucked that he didn’t get paid for half of the music they ended up using - some of which is on the OST. 

Not only that, they “rejected” tons of music and asked Mick for more, and then decided to use all those “rejected” music in the final product. They didn’t pay him for those ones.

including for an 11-month stretch without pay”

a lot of the people in the old article calling Mick a diva are looking pretty dumb right now

The critical part to all of this is that Mick is saying that Bethesda knowingly sold Collectors Edition DE’s with a promise for an OST, before Mick was even contracted. He also brought receipts. 

Read the whole thing earlier today and still processing it. The situation back when this all kicked off never felt right in a lot of ways, but I didn’t know how. I guess I was just really sad about the whole situaion.