
Unless I missed something all they really said was that there was a meaning to it, which would still be true if it’s a lead up to something solvable in the DLC.

I think its actually been found out already, the answer is just kind of boring. Cyberpunk uses a lot of musical references involving records. One is during the panam ending a certain songs plays in her car and if u look it up the song was released by Panam records.

Jesse wth are you talking about

Except Cavill likes the Witcher

This is 100% because of Superman and there being more money there and there’s no changing my mind. I feel that he probably enjoys both but can’t do both for...reasons. That said, as much as the role became Cavill’s, Liam Hemsworth looks more like Geralt did in the games imo and as such also how he looked in my head

Clearly the problem is not enough coins were tossed to the Witcher

Yeah the pay issues may have been misrepresented here but the conversation was still a good one to have, and prompted a number of VAs to come out about how the industry has fallen short on pay for so long. I suppose there’s a chance her awfulness drives a few people away from supporting the issue but if so, they

Milkshake duck strikes again

Hope those losing their jobs at least get whatever pay they’re owed and some form of redundancy comp given the times we’re living through.

Bellibolt is shaped like a friend :)

Know your fakes: Ganondorf is the humanoid Gerudo warlock - Ganon is the monstrous pig-demon form he assumes.

Castlevania was fantastic to be fair

This is small potatoes but...

Yeah, this is terrible casting.  If you make Idris Elba Ganondorf, I’m going to be rooting for Ganon to win.

This is the correct take. Everyone that has been cast is going to range anywhere from fine to amazing but the reality is we’re here for Mario and not the A-List actors cast strictly as voices.

Beyond that I can’t believe how invested people seem to be in the castings. Holy smokes. 

I don’t have a “hate-boner” for Chris Pratt, his shitty politics notwithstanding. I just wish they ignored that temptation to cast big name stars, and left it to proper voice actors who let the characters stand out more than their star power, pardon the pun.

Yeah they aren’t bad looking aside from that. Why did a design team greenlight this? “Yeah McDonalds characters aren’t cool, but you know what would make them cool? 2 extra eyes!”

Actually saw a grown ass man throw a tantrum at McDonald’s because he didn’t get a Pokemon card in his Happy Meal. I thought how childish while I ordered Chicken McNuggets and an orange Hi-C.

NO SHIT like what in the actual fuck, and why on earth partner with a clothing company that has a grand total of 3 freaking items.