
variety streamers are a thing. just advertise yourself as that (if you did it). Let your viewers know you dont “main” a game, you switch things up on a whim. There is a whole subset of people who like or even prefer that. casual happy funtime variety streamers are some of my favorite. their streams are usually super

its not. i watch plenty of streamers male and female and none of them are “thirst traps”. streams are only a thirst trap if you go in “thirsty”. Men thirsting after any woman streamer who shows herself on cam is the problem.

games done quick chat is always a sea of shit. chat was in sub only mode most of the marathon because of chat spamming racists “memes” and harassing some transgender speedrunners.

each episode of the ToP has been 1 minute lately and theres like 7 minutes left. that many episodes would put us right at the end of March where the arc is meant to end.

Maybe the game is coming out in 2077 and this is just making sure that THE HYPE is still alive!?

which is why I still stick to 3.P

I got really excited because I thought this might be about a (series of) threads on the website Giants In The Playground’s 3.5 edition forum which did the exact same thing with the 3.5 edition monster manual. Hundreds and hundreds of posts going thru every monster in the manual and assigning them all playable “Level


Ive been to Taiwan! Lovely place!

You said this

“The jew in Nazi germany disprove your point. They were very obviously “white” from a skin color perspective but did experience systematic abuse and oppression.”

It doesnt matter if a white person experiences systemic oppression because its not due to their whiteness. You tried to use that as a counter

I was hoping the comments here would be better than on the facebook post. Nope. God this comment section is disgusting. People actually defending this bullshit. I hope a ton of these comments get moderated.

jews were persecuted for their religion not their whiteness. being white had nothing to do with it. nice false equivalence.

You’re either lying, misremembering, or you had some sort of bootlegged copy. I looked it up. Every single US copy had the difficulty selection. Sorry but youre wrong.

The original NES version has Normal and Difficult as options. The mode called normal mode didnt exist in the original japanese version. The mode called Difficult in the US is the normal (and only) option in the original japanese release. It has nothing to do with Legacy Collection, I played MM2 on the NES back in the

thats likely factoring in per projectile. Air Shooter fires like 3 per shot and the each do damage if they hit at once. so while it may only do 1 dmg per tornado it still damages faster than the buster.

MM2 bosses have multiple weaknesses.

i think thats only done in “normal” mode which isnt actually normal mode, its easy mode. “difficult” mode is the only mode in the original japanese version.

Now playing

You actually can kill them all with one life!

So interesting! I grew up with this game (im 31) and havent played it in at least 10 years if not more yet I can still hum most of the stage themes by heart. Sometimes, some of them, like Crash Man’s will get stuck in my head for hours or DAYS without warning and I can’t get them out.

*high fives*