I can understand that. I’m more tolerant and understanding of her now too. Though the expanded universe helped that a lot.
I can understand that. I’m more tolerant and understanding of her now too. Though the expanded universe helped that a lot.
Im so glad to hear I wasnt the ONLY person with that reaction! I hated her too and laughed when she died as well. I’ve always been Hard Set in my CloFa ship. I still love that song as well. Its really beautiful. Uematsu is a musical genius.
Man if she wasnt trolling I was just gonna leave a comment saying “Last name checks out”.
This is the most biased bullshit I’ve ever seen. What a joke.
Bobby! <3
no other details are known yet, it didnt happen long ago.
I’m 31 and I still love it. I don’t like change so I don’t mind the “formula”.
“It’s like comparing Ha La Head Cha La to any Dragon Ball Super opening.”
Um what? Lol Head Cha La is AMAZING but Chouzetsu Dynamic and Limit Break X Survivor are AT LEAST as good if not better, certainly not worse, so the comparison makes no sense.
Damn thats good. Hits right in the nostalgia!
Lucky! :O
This is a late reply because I havent checked this recently but for a Sorc it doesnt matter. Sorcs only need Con (sorta) and Cha. If you have good Cha which even a half orc Sorc can get the other stats are mostly irrelevant.
Is it Eberk?
How so? A half orc sorc in 3.5 could start (using PB) with 16 Cha which lets them use up to lvl 6 spells already, many games dont get that far much less further, and if they do he’d have 2-3 ability score increases from level ups, already enough to use 9th level spells without any magical bonus or anything.
As you said…
in 3rd edition one of the Character Iconics right from the players handbook was Eberk a dwarven cleric of moradin!
I loved Xardion so much!
tori didnt write literally any of the movies or gt. he had some hand in BoG and RoF but thats it. None before that at all.
most of the androids in dbz arent androids theyre cyborgs, theyre mostly human thats why #18 was able to have a baby. Shes probably similar, or the glasses perform some other function.
Eve is finally getting her VU/Rework too
Well all religions are equally fake so they should all be compared to FSM.
a gay man can still be cis. and the third person could also be cis. sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Most drag performers are cis men. Many are gay, some obviously arent.
But yeah you said Drag Queens are trans, which they’re not unless they’re transgender. Cross-dressers are not trans.