
I put pokemon in gyms and less than 12 hours later they had returned to me fainted. A year ago. I got nothing from it. Not a single coin.

i dont think this is all true. i played last year and put pokes in gyms multiple times. none of them ever lasted a single day and i never got literally anything from it because of that. you make it sound like getting kicked out immediately not rewarding you is something new, but i never got any coins at all last year

You da real MVP

Not the best answer to hear but its good to finally know. I figured time probably had something to do with it, didn’t realize it was this much. It still saddens me that we never got to see the rest of the series, as the end of Xenogears states that it was like episode V or something and planned to be a multi game

I don’t like traditional fighting games so I wasn’t too excited for this but after watching those vids, wow, I’m impressed.


Toejam and Earl is coming back

I wish it didnt appear to be based on Part 4. Ive only seen the anime for parts 1-4 of the series and Part 4 is my second least favorite. I think any of the other 3 parts, even Part 1 (my least favorite) would have made a better film. The CGI stands look hella dope though and their live action death note impressed me

I want it T_T

D& the skin name writes itself!

I agree with most of what you say, but “fake sports league”? Please, get off your high horse. Esports are real sports.

from the quotes it seems like he took a single nap break and thats it.

Sephy and Tifa still sexy af. Barret as a white guy is cool and interesting.

This video is 3 years old lol

Nah thats high quality cosplay regardless of the cosplayers gender.

which is while ill stick with 3.P tons of material to work with, some might say too much, I say nay.

I do agree. But yeah 3.5e/Pathfinder is preferred for me though I don’t like the lvl 20 cap in pathfinder and i like some of the mythic ideas for pathfinder but I’d prefer just more normal levels instead tbh. That said 3.5e’s epic stuff is kinda all over the place.

I found roll20 fairly intuitive, though it seems to be a lot harder from the DM side ive only been on the player side.

I hate 5th edition so much but most of the rest of the article is sound advice. 5th edition is designed to be newbie friendly, and it is, but I think it went too far. I’d rather have my thousands of pages of rules and mechanics and options over the restrictive, if newbie friendly 5e.

Oh nice. Too bad I don’t have an ipad xD I still conflate mobile = phone