i have hero lab and its awesome but its only for desktop. the only mobile apps ive seen for it are just character sheets. i really wish they had a mobile version of the entire program.
i have hero lab and its awesome but its only for desktop. the only mobile apps ive seen for it are just character sheets. i really wish they had a mobile version of the entire program.
So disappointed its 5th edition only. They still have huge player bases on their earlier editions. I’d pay a few bucks for a 3.0/3.5e app for my phone.
Loved this so much <3
This is so cool! It’s a shame the facebook post about this (and possibly the comments section here, havent looked) is swarmed with disgusting transphobia. I’m so happy for her. I hope she can enjoy it and her health doesn’t hinder her from getting back to what she loves.
and the switch uses carts, albeit much much smaller ones.
You’re just out of touch then. These are perfectly in place to me, someone who has been playing since the original Red and Blue came out.
Thats pretty hilarious and part of why 2v2s shouldnt be taken seriously.
Ive watched this guy before. Really cool dude. Had no idea he lived in poland!
Im guessing the Materia command is to swap materia in combat? Thats my only Guess. Also confused by the large hp numbers, though it won’t bother me if all the numbers in the game are increased as well (and hp can go past 9999).
So far it doesn’t look so bad as I’d feared. There’s a command menu and an atb gauge. Limit…
Really? This is a thing in every competitive game like this. HS, LoL, etc. This is nothing new and its not going away.
“Minor Text Fixes”
Im done arguing with a brick wall.
It wasnt just that, it was the Geostigma. How many times do I need to mention the fact that he was TERMINALLY ill was a large portion of his 150% justified sadness?
FF7 ends on a huge cliffhanger, it doesnt even let you know if humanity survived at all on its own, so of course we werent going to have him or anyone else…
He was suffering from a terminal illness and he got over it by the end of the film (and this is reflected in Dirge where he is back to being himself)
DoC Cloud was post Advent Children and he was perfectly fine, though he wasnt in it much.
AC Cloud was suffering from a terminal illness, and mourning still from the stuff that happened in his past (he didnt have a chance to during FF7). It was all totally warranted and valid. Cloud is very chipper and happy at the end…
Something has to be canon to become retconned. Retcon is retroactive continuity. Cant have one without the other.
Disagree. Cloud’s personality is fine in everything except KH which isn’t canon. His personality is fine in FF7, DoC, Advent Children, and Crisis Core.
I disagree. If all of the post original game canon is ignored then it was pointless that it was ever made. I want as much as possible added to the game to connect it to the expanded material.
ive waited so long for this im so excited!
When I try to make a facsimile of myself in games I usually go super pale and blue hair if possible. If I can’t I get really upset tbh.