of course it does. because this sort of thing hasnt become “normalized” enough yet.
of course it does. because this sort of thing hasnt become “normalized” enough yet.
When we started getting treated as well as you guys we will stop and not a second before. Statistically theres so much fewer of us that if we don’t scream no one listens. We need people to listen. Way to show your bigotry.
thats the point. shes just a regular sweet lass who happens to come home at night to another lass. it shouldnt be “important” its just another minor detail about her life that people were curious about and Blizzard showed us.
i get that, but how do they do that without saying it? Like if they want to show someone is bi or pan how do you do that in a limited medium without just being so upfront about it? blizzard here isnt stating shes a lesbian, true she could be bi or pan, but if she was and they wanted us to know/think that, how would…
i heard symettra has autism so...its not like theyre ignoring those. they just didnt put them all in this one comic.
i think its because tracer didnt know what was in it and the kid and her mom gave it to her (tracer) she had no idea it would be the scarf she was trying to get emily.
Im fairly sure thats SSj3 Nappa as thats clearly SSj3 Vegeta beside him. SSj1 just spikes your existing hair, SSj3 grows your hair so SSj3 growing his beard/mustache/whatever makes sense, SSj1 doing so does not.
Barret looks so badass! Kudos to them choosing him of all the characters they could have made ones of beside Cloud.
Sounds like you took KLK way too seriously. Its one of the few animes that uses fan service well, the entire plot is about it.
Keijo has fanservice but its mostly for comedy purposes. I mean its a sports show about a real sport in japan, embellished to a rediculous degree for humors sake. Boobs and Butts are literally how the game is played IRL so of course theyre part of the focus. Despite that, Keijo has some of the most diverse cast of…
Yeah all the people ive played D&D with are progressive open-minded people.
Thats a good call. Id have done the same. Make a point to the DM that its not okay, if the DM refuses to work with you, then you leave/quit because that DM is an asshole.
Ive seen no source call Puar a girl. Puar is and always has been a boy despite his voice.
Good thing theres almost none of that there. I’m glad this prediction, at least at the time I’m making this comment was almost wholly incorrect
Thats so sad :’(
id blame the DM for letting that happen. D&D is a social game and nothing should happen during the game unless everyone at the session is comfortable with it.
youre being too scientific. in D&D actual gods that physically exist and are provable to exist created most creatures. it doesnt have to make sense.
strongly disagree. sexy monsters are wonderful.