
that looks like an imp not an incubus. an incubus is just a male succubus.

yeah hes the Fall Guy until Vegeta takes that role (and his woman) in Z

like raditz

nope Yamcha is most famous for dying to a Saibamen and laying in that specific pose. they even made a statue/figure of it

its very much Hit. why? we dont know.

theyre becoming self aware

Puar is a boy.

His entire purpose was to be the fall guy. Always being strong enough that seeing him lose made you realize how scary things are. Vegeta eventually took this spot (and yamchas woman). Yamcha’s only real feat is holding his own/beating a tired/weak/hungry goku in his very first on screen appearance. Like really thats

Youngster Joey has a top % rattata

the only change i care about and NEED. what a missed opportunity what with the game having a new type of rattata too. ugh.

that last part doesnt make sense. the courier cards let you get a card from your friends in the same gang as you, it has nothing to do with your opponent.

does it not have the 100 mario mode? if not thats awful

i loved FF10. There was tons of fantasy there.

i love church lady so much <3

i like the theory that we are the rival (and hau is the MC)

This is an amazing review and there does seem to be lots of good here (like music in the car and humming the victory theme), I just hate the implied “new rpgs MUST be like this OR DIE”. I hate everything Ive seen and heard about this games combat system. I miss old turn based and ATB combat. I want to be able to

i love D&D (and pathfinder by extension) <3

well f/f in touhou is common because theres like less than 10 out of hundreds of characters who are even male to begin with.

none of them are canon YET. blizz has confirmed theres at least one LGBT+ character in the game already. its only a matter of when not if :)

its basically existed as long as humans have. its literally not going away ever.

shipping comes from relationship. shipping is putting characters in a relationship in your mind also sometimes known as “headcanon”.