
this is a good article. this part particularly resonated with me a lesbian myself

which makes me wonder why MM1 didnt have a Paper man since we had Rock (Mega) Man and Cut (Scissor) Man

Hahaha I can’t believe people have come to a point where they just willingly accept this as okay and that they wont get in trouble. I have no sympathy for them.

i have heard they get magnet pull which means steel types cant run away or be switched out, idk if they have more abilities than that or not.

no problem :)

Riley stages? Autocorrect gone wrong?

i dont know the exact damage formula, i just know its based on the moves base power and the proper stat. hydro pump is very strong.

stats cap at +6 and you can only use Z splash once. Swords Dancing 3 times is maxed atk for instance. 400% power.

hypothetical as in made up. Z splash is +3 atk not special attack. there is

yeah alola blastoise could have been cool.

its a good combo. he will be weak to fighting x2 and ground x4 but he might (havent checked moves) get magnet rise to hover and become immune to ground.

yeah i was sad they didnt get one too.

np :)

Exeggutor, Marowak, Raichu, the Vulpix line, the Sandshrew line, the Meowth line, the Rattata line, the Diglett line, the Grimer line, and the Geodude line. so 10, not 8 all gen 1.

they looks like this theyre rock/electric

thats 10. i was specifically only talking about lines not each individual pokemon. i said 8 its 10. I was very close.

raising a state by 3 stages is a 250% increase in the stat. So if your special atk was 100 and you used a hypothetical sp atk version of z splash your sp atk after the boost would be 250 for the rest of the match (or until you switch/faint). this would likewise make “hydro pump” that much stronger as a result.

yes but theres only like 8 of them.

ninetails is rumored to be exclusive to sun and sandslash is exclusive to moon (and their pre-evos of course)

if it was live action i doubt theyd use the VA as the cast, id prefer its animated/cgi so they keep the voices the same

tore bee yorn is how i say it.

all the starters are SO slow holy crap xD good thing i dont play competitively, though it still makes me sad to think none of them will likely be competitively viable because of their speed.

the japanese live action death note was amazing. i think its even better than the anime and manga (which i saw first so its not like i prefer the movie version because i saw it first).

Why are people still complaining? Major’s body is a full prosthetic. She is japanese (thus why her mother is japanese in the movie!) but afaik its never stated that her prosthetic body was “japanese”. People are getting their panties in a wad over literally nothing. Listen, I’d have been upset too, if they had cast

up to 67 youtube subscribers at the time im writing this! he’s in the big time now!