
im not reading that wall of text lol. cloud only had the personality people dislike in AC. it was fine in DoC it was fine in CC it will be fine in this game. Plus, as I said I didn’t have much issue with it in AC anyways and will never understand why anyone does.

you judge games based on the time they were released in. when FF7 came out 3D games were few and far between we didnt have better stuff to really compare to. It was at the time reasonable compared to other games of its time. When FF8 came out and looked infinitely better I immediately had trouble going back and

mods dont count lol

lol wut

i was just saying that based on the assumptions in the article where each piece would be “a full game” which the article assumes rightly so that it could mean each part would be priced like a full game, like the FF13 series.

i loved the original it was my favorite game of all time for a long time. i just cant stand to look at the sad pathetic state the game is in, which is why i wanted an upgraded/updated version.

i have exaggerated in some of my posts on this article but this was not one of them.

exactly why i keep calling it “nearly unplayable”

and the lack of the world map is one of the biggest complaints about FFX and its the most valid.

not if you want the same game. if you want a new game at that point then you make a new game, not the same game with everything changed. it doesnt matter how much work it is, its about the fans.

fang and rikku may be supporting character but theyre both hugely important. rikku is al bhed which at least 80% of the game is about the conflict between them and people of yevon.

and with Fang its basically her story. Hell Vanille is even the narrator not Lightning. Id say Fang and Vanille are more important than

i know its a lot of work. always have. but the people who started the clamor for this to happen almost 20 years ago just wanted updated graphics and voice acting. we didnt and most still dont want other things changed because theres no reason to change them.

because that’s what the people who bugged them to make this happen for almost 2 decades wanted. i can use the same argument and i think it makes more sense.

“why remake the game if youre just going to change everything”.

Fang is still easily one of my favorite characters and definitely my favorite female of all time.

he was fine in Dirge of Cerberus. Other games used that because it was his most recent well known version at that time. This won’t be like that.

i already addressed why he was like that at the end of the game. he didnt have time to really be himself the world was ending.

it looks like trash. FF6 and FF8 both look better than FF7. FF7s visuals are 100% unacceptable.

i think i should since im on the original players of the game when it first came out. the graphics are just completely unacceptable. FF8 doesnt have good graphics either but theyre passable. FF7s are not.

“kids” im nearly 30. im no kid. sprite graphics were and still are amazing.

and yes i am salty about turn based combat dying out. this generation is all about this fast paced nonsense. theres no strategy anymore, no planning. its just run in flail wildly and keep retrying until it works.

if you read what i said i was just talking about CoD players. I know it wont play like CoD but the idea is the same. Everything has to be super fast paced real time in your face nonsense.

yeah thats what i want. ive tried modding the steam version but i can never get it to work. also i want/wanted voice acting as well. thats the only other change i want/wanted