
it was largely an exaggeration about how painful the game is to look at.

yes? i loved FFX and FFXIII. Fang and Rikku are some of my favorite video game characters period.


its very likely we wont get a world map =\

yes yes yes this!

yes this so much this

i wont laugh ill be furious.

well i dont know about it all but i read a thing that said the crossdressing scene is still in.

yup no fun allowed anymore. gotta appease the masses and their ADD instant gratification CoD fantasies.

which is virtually unplayable and not an option for some so yeah good one.

ya im 29

same tbh

im getting it no matter how bad they butcher it. but i was going to/will buy multiple copies if they actually make it good.

no that would make it feel like an MMO thats terrible

i want them to account for all of that. make it fit better.

god i hate that stupid argument about advent children. The Cloud we know for 90% of the game isnt Cloud, its Cloud imitating Zack. The real Cloud comes back very near the end but theres so much shit going down with Meteor in the sky that we never get to see

yeah im hoping for stuff like that too. hell id be down with them making a post game chapter where you play thru the events of advent children.

i hope they dont play differently. that would kill it for me. ive had to pass on games before because the character i like has a playstyle i cant stand and vice versa.

yeah but i was able to buy the original 3 discs and all at the same time when they came out and not pay an arm and a leg.

which would suck horribly :( i liked being able to take a nap or make dinner while the summons played. thats not sarcasm btw i actually loved it.

theyre not though because that game, contrary to the article, doesnt hold up. it has aged horribly. FF4 for SNES holds up better. 2D sprite art ages far more gracefully than those horrible blocky 3D models of early 3D times. FF7 was at one point my favorite game bar none. But I cant even look at it anymore it looks