
expanding on the story is the only possible thing we didnt ask for that would be okay. we wanted the game to have HD graphics and voice acting and a better script. nothing else at all needed changing. if they split it up kind of like the discs of the original game that parts not so bad but changing gameplay? that is a

its how they have looked in every appearance since after FF7 original release. this is their official look

3 discs not 5

in the original game in one of my playthrus i grinded to lvl 20 in the first area. The reactor with cloud and barrett at the very beginning of the game. I had all of clouds limits except omnislash and I learned Bolt 2 before the first boss. i one shot him. it was hilarious. some people like to grind and make the

you cant quad magic KoR. -facepalm- also the reason people are upset because its been almost 20 years since the original we dont want them to mess up. so every decision they make MUST be scrutinized and questioned. We want them to do it right so when they say theyre doing something we didnt expect or want were going

HUcast knows whats up. Love your Scythe btw <3

i wish. :( xenosaga and now xenoblade is likely the closest we will ever get to xenogears remake.

they dont look “westernized” at all to me. they look just like they always have. none of the characters looked japanese. the designs werent changed for advent children and the characters are mostly keeping their appearances from that, though slightly altered to fit how they looked in the original game, ie: different

its nice to see this coming along nicely. looks like this might be done sooner rather than later. and english voices! sounds like cloud and barrett have their advent children voice actors back very nice.

i think he looks better


everyone didnt assume it? whats next people freaking out that Gardevoire isnt really wearing a dress? <_<

thats cool

thats feminazi stuff. no one takes them seriously so what they think/saw is irrelevant.

as described in the article SMITE wouldnt count as a MOBA and it definitely is one...

even if all men were, hypothetically, that wouldnt mean that misandry didnt exist so im not entirely sure how thats relevant.

youre joking right? cuz misandry definitely does exist lol

when i was playing as him to unlock him my partner carried the horse while playing as Cho but when I was Cho we rode the horse. o.O

stage has been out a long time. surprised you only just got around to it. i hope bowser makes more.

well i always wanted visit osaka if i went to japan. this seems like a good reason to add to the list. 20$ for all i can eat KFC? they will go out of business before I leave :^)