i got my Ouya and it is pretty rad.
i got my Ouya and it is pretty rad.
i could not stand the duration of a match. but thats awesome.
ive been talking to panga on some streams. had no idea he was such a big deal :O
ugh i backed this :( glad i didnt spend much on it. hope the singleplayer isnt shit. =\
bingo ty
maybe. we will see i guess.
i wish i could see any of the tweets the article posted so i could see what the fuss is about.
same. same age even.
i like most of your ideas but i hate some of the mini games in pokemon nowadays so much that id be really upset if i couldnt get its perfect form because i dont wanna do some lame dress up minigame or something.
for now. im sure it will get a mega or primeval reversion or a 101% form or something someday
wrong. this is awesome.
holy crap. im a norse mythology nerd and i hadnt thought of that! thats so much cooler :O
bigger dog. bigger snake thing.
it seems like that might be the joke gamefreak is making tbh.
there havent been third versions in a while. wasnt plat the last one?
i dont think this is that silly at all. i like it. i hope to see more things like this in the future and ive been playing since red and blue on the original gameboy.
lol thanks i guess xD
yeah in an article after this one i could see them. it mostly seems to be twitter stuff as you said.
the snobby comment was about the first person not you. and yes. some people dont know or dont care. they played the original and thats the name they know. going around correcting them makes someone sound like an elitist snob. its really rude and 100% unnecessary
the title of this made me really upset but reading the whole thing i can see it was very misleading.
aerith sounds stupid tho. Aeris doesnt. the game Gladius for the original Xbox had a god of Air in it by the name Aeris. spelled the same even. defintiely better.