because being snobby about spelling is really rude and obnoxious. in the english release of the original game her name was listed as Aeris. Yes it has since been correct but not everyone is going to know that.
because being snobby about spelling is really rude and obnoxious. in the english release of the original game her name was listed as Aeris. Yes it has since been correct but not everyone is going to know that.
idk why but i havent been able to see the pictures put in the middle of the articles for a while now. theyre just blank white boxes.
youre the worst kind of person.
you need Phantasy Star Online and Skies of Arcadia!
his pyroblast ult is pretty bad. long start up time, interupptable, and ive seen it just poof if someone got too far away. the phoenix is great for killing heroes and sieging alike on a much shorter cooldown.
ive had so many toxic players in my games recently. and they laugh when i tell them im going to report them and they will get in trouble. “blizz doesnt ban people.” “reports do nothing.” sure they do. enjoy the ban.
also why yokohama? thats really specific o.o
pretty great. he should have rocked his upper body forward as he moved to make it look like he was slithering. also must be a baby hydra as even zerglings are about that big.
ive never understood all the hate you get Patricia. you’re hilarious! <3
i am so incredibly disappointed to learn that you werent kidding. thats a real thing. huh.
this is making preordering kinda like kickstarter stretch goals. lol
that kid sounds like hes voiced by Vic Mignogna o.O
ive never heard of this game what is it?
no the highest any boss has had in disgaea is like 400 billion. the level cap in disgaea is 9999 but you can rebirth and get stat boosts by resetting level back to 1 and doing it again.
this is so cool omg
its using the same artstyle? thats....AWESOME
if i had 800$ have bought it
easily the most powerful card in the whole game. move over dr balanced!