bolf is so bad and the better hero powers were revealed.
bolf is so bad and the better hero powers were revealed.
numbers 3 4 and 5 are reasonable (hell #3 is almost mandatory). but 1 and 2? no pls.
lol it happens xD
what are you even talking about? i never used the word concept or conceit at all? did you reply to the wrong person?
implying thats the only place or time they struggle. implying they dont go outside. implying all other sorts of hateful things. grow up.
i know that but its not something that can be avoided. i can avoid using terms but im always going to look up to her because of who she is and what shes been thru and accomplished.
whether she wants to be or not shes a beacon of hope for other trans LoL players. Her apparent love of Touhou certainly helps too, in my case at least.
it is tho. its been an officially recognized sport for a long time
that doesnt stop it from being a SRPG. you can dislike it but those changes dont stop it from being what it is.
i cant get behind conquest. if the father that raised you wasnt such a dick i could see it being a tough choice of blood being thicker than water, but instead its not. my personal morals wouldnt allow me to stay with the family that raised me because of the father so I’d never have my character do it either. I do…
should have done the interview anonymously =\ but still thats really stupid of nintendo. i hate companies doing shit like that.
birthright cuz lesbians.
what? the smartest thing to do is turn in whenever you can so youre never holding a lot of gems, that way you dont risk losing them. just like coins on blackhearts bay. hoarding is the exact opposite of what you should do lol
haha so thats what its like for outsiders? neat.
this is dumb. the frames are frames of animation. the frames by themselves arent intended to look good. it looks fine in motion. stop bitching.
agree 100%
yeah i dont remember anything either and i watched almost all of it.
i loved the gameplay. i was definitely in for the story but without enjoyable gameplay i cant play a game. its why i never touched FF12 and why I never finished FFX-2
i play casually so i cant even understand what half those change notes are talking about.
the explanation wasnt 100% serious.