
in english goku has had the same voice actor now for over 10 years. Sean Schemmel is a badass.

as cool as that art is id never play a game using it. its cool artistically but it doesnt belong in a pokemon game. ill keep my cute squirtle over those...things xD


neither of them are officially related to the game as the rights to xenogears were lost. so they are just spiritual successors not true parts of the game canon, sadly.

ugh i hate how much it changed from season 1 to 2 lookswise. i honestly couldnt care which is closer to the original light novel or manga or whatever i just want consistency.

maybe not his personality...because well in the game he thought he was zac so he had a different personality, but look-wise? hell to the yes.

100% agree xD i still want the rest of the xenogears series since that game was just one episode. but i already know it will never happen

Sapphire or bust just like last time :D

ah. damn well scrap that comment then and carry on my wayward son.

this gif bothers me because sable is ghost type. lopunny shouldnt be able to hit him.

easter eggs are fun because it allows you to think these silly things. thats why ive always liked them as long as they have existed.

i don't think so by this point. they have gotten quite strong. krillin trains with 18 and tien held his own for a very brief time against 2nd form Cell.

even humans could if he was still the same strength. 18 for instance. krillin or tien. not yamcha <.<

kai is just the same dbz anime with all the episodes that werent in the manga cut out and most of the 20 minute long power up sessions cut out. its basically just a better more coherent, better paced version. its still the same show.

but was pure evil (kid buu) until he absorbed the Kais and became fat buu. kid buu is his real form and its probably more evil than freiza.

the whole premise of the movie if you watch the trailer is that someone is getting resurrected with the dragon balls and its the "worst wish ever". thats how hes coming back.

probably. maybe even one where his parents are alive.

20$ for tales of xilla 2? yes pls!

i think they hated knuckles more. good god that poor echidna :(

im using emerald (U) version 1.1 iirc as the base for touhoumon and i just downloaded a normal emerald randomizer and it worked fine.