touhoumon is amazing. im doing a runthru of world link atm. i used a pokemon emerald randomizer and instead of randomizing things i just made it so i could have cSuika as my starter (cuz shes best 2hu imo). I'm having a blast :D
touhoumon is amazing. im doing a runthru of world link atm. i used a pokemon emerald randomizer and instead of randomizing things i just made it so i could have cSuika as my starter (cuz shes best 2hu imo). I'm having a blast :D
not bad. wish it ended with a robot master instead of the street fighter crossover but its fine.
invariably some events may have still happened but until theyre confirmed we can safely assume all the bad shit didnt.
time travel always has issues but at least xmen origins wolverine never happened now, this is how you retcon. you do it in universe.
nintendo said the whole smash roster is getting one eventually. getting an amiibo was probably part of the deal for the characters being in the game
naruhina was always canon and even if these leaks arent legit we will get it canonized soon enough as the manga is ending.
<3 sonic and sega. i remember all this i was 5 when this all happened.
rip vman7 rip calebhart42
let me know when the megaman amiibo is out then ill care :3
Water type 4 lyfe
my cousin was complaining about this to me and its lead me to wonder...why do these shows air on japanese tv stations where they must be censored...if they need to be censored this much? <_< Seikon No Qwazer wasn't as heavily censored in the censored version of it and that thing is about as close to hentai as a…
i dont see a poll =\
glad i decided to pass on this. thanks for the heads up
sorry as a 5 year old i couldnt make that sort of deduction.
the music is and the game is great too but i hate dream endings, they invalidate the entire game.
yeah the music was good
the only thing that bothered me about it as a kid was the ending...i hate when the ending of anything is "and then [X] woke up and it was all just a dream..." I feel insulted by stuff like that =\