
No SAO jokes? So disappointed

That’s a long ass diaper


Don’t insult cunts like that! Unlike Konami they’re likable

I guess proper women shirts don’t exist in whatever world that guy lives in

As long if I can be black then I’m game for it

Fucking love Deerstalker!

I remember you! You should publish your DayZ stories

Knowing our current court system, I rather kill/torture my rapist than turn him into the police.

The thing is, my mom never hit or spanked me-in public that is. If I was acting up in a public space you better believe that I’m getting my ass whooped back at home. Some parents are just like that. You can’t assume that just because a parent isn’t disciplining a child right that they aren’t at all.


I lol’d

The romanticist in me rejects that bit of truth

Would my Ex-wife count?

I’m scared for you

BY your comment alone I thought this was a 4kid’s movie

I would disagree with you but then I realize I’m a nintenfan.


I bet OP is on the moon or some crap

To be fair, any language that refers to a chair with “boy” pronouns is a stupid mess