
Believe it or not, I couldn’t play MH4U without eating in RL.

Nicolas is my wife

I’m not even sure Hajime knows where the Walls came from.


Dorito-face senpai?

Wake me when WWIII happens

A ghiblis ranked list? Nobody wins with these bro

I keep forgetting that; I didn’t G fighter till 04

Is the Euro version not in English? That’s common for European games, right?

G fighter was good....

Just in time for that RL Japan vs America battle that’s gonna happen

I like this

And it was crap

I bet he got off with such a light punishment because the people sentencing had no idea how terrible this shit is

Thank you


You know what else is sweet? D.gray man is coming back on the 17th

That’s a cheap ass wig from party city


Looks like Oda has found an understudy brah