
Don’t know, I honestly can’t stand talking about these things with her.

I’ll have to look at that! Too bad he wasn’t one of the likable ones

Did you also know that it was Marie Antoinette’s husband that helped funded the war for us

My mom believes this sort of crap, and what’s worst is that she doesn’t listen to the CDC or any other medical reports because “they’re backed by big pharma!!!”

Because what these asshole say fits with what these asshole anti-vaxxers want to believe.

It really saddens me but I agree with the iPhone bit


This person, I like them

People like Lindsey aren’t even good Christians. You know Jesus’s whole message was love and tolerances while worshiping quietly

Gaia never got that bad

That’s gotta be itchy

Be nice if they included that in the new pokemon games again

It’s like you never heard of a sports bra before

What a bastard, a f’n glorious bastard

The mobile port of FFIII wasn’t THAT bad


Of course she went to Howard

As a hardcore 3DS/DS fan, I kinda feel bad for taking shots at the Vita.

Doing God’s work

It’s okay green,