I believe it was Wilson who wrote regarding Haiti, that in the Dominican Republic and Mexico, you had to treat the locals with some respect, as they were Spanish, they had a little white, but in Haiti you could do whatever you wanted to them. “They were no half breeds. Pure Nigger.”
Thought I was playing a rousing game of Eve the other day, turned out i left Excel open and my wallpaper is a starscape
it’s not a fan theory anymore. ^_^
I love Build Fighters. it took all of the stuff that I liked about Beyblade but added a really cool Gundam spin to it while celebrating the entire Gundam franchise and it’s history.
I think there are a few people like myself who are tired of seeing this phrase get used over and over again to the point where its hit diminishing returns and the person who uses it is the person who loses credibility.
Video game players who insist that games are “just fun” and therefore are immune to analysis or even smart conversation—or worse, who believe games are so fragile that an Anita Sarkeesian video could rid the world of them—deserve a mixture of scorn and pity
“Just as the line between gamer and non-gamer has been destroyed, I think the distinction between console and mobile will become less distinct over time.” - Scopely’s Walter Driver thinks Apple TV is just one more step toward an ultimate convergence in gaming.
Even then I have doubts.
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be an infinity symbol. It stands for the amount of bullshit they’re going to pack into the releases between 2 and 3.
I can’t not love him!
“You’re the worst”
No way. I refuse.
I can think of easier money hustles than accusing someone of rape.
The sperm bank should definitely be accountable for giving her the wrong sperm HOWEVER, her reasoning was not just to have the same father.
‘I don’t wanna raise a negro child! Don’t you know how shitty their lives are?!’-horrible white person who sued a sperm bank over a healthy child