
Really? If anything Invader Zim taught me that behaving like a raving lunatic is no way to get your message across.

Annnnd watch the women GB get cancelled.

Then name one.

Of course, I only play the best c:

Hey fuck you, Terra Battle is the best mobile game I've ever played

And? So you'll see how it's pretty unfair that girl characters cost more.

Actually talking to you kids about why they did what they did? You don't hit adults when they do stupid shit so why would you hit children?

Sounds like a date

Can't I have both?

American Oreos are like Japanese Kitkats

At least the people selling get a good deal.

That's really sweet of him

The impression I always got from DOA was never "too much boob"

So they gave "her" money because they wanted female attention and not she was a good heartstone player?

This and it really sucks.

I didn't know I need this until now

A steam punk Pokedex

So I can expect no black people right? Right.

That's like finding out your house burned down from the 5pm news

As will all sexy-moe games, I would enjoy if the chicks didn't look like children