Really? If anything Invader Zim taught me that behaving like a raving lunatic is no way to get your message across.
Really? If anything Invader Zim taught me that behaving like a raving lunatic is no way to get your message across.
Annnnd watch the women GB get cancelled.
Then name one.
Of course, I only play the best c:
Hey fuck you, Terra Battle is the best mobile game I've ever played
And? So you'll see how it's pretty unfair that girl characters cost more.
Sounds like a date
Can't I have both?
American Oreos are like Japanese Kitkats
At least the people selling get a good deal.
That's really sweet of him
The impression I always got from DOA was never "too much boob"
So they gave "her" money because they wanted female attention and not she was a good heartstone player?
This and it really sucks.
I didn't know I need this until now
A steam punk Pokedex
So I can expect no black people right? Right.
That's like finding out your house burned down from the 5pm news
As will all sexy-moe games, I would enjoy if the chicks didn't look like children