
Yet every new console release spells out their apparent "death"

I'm convinced Marshawn doing this just to mess with Conan

Not to mention the rise of the anti-vaxx movement

ACTUALLY, it's Rhydon

Oh look, more cool shit that will never make it to America

Now playing

Still not as bad as Birthday Cake, which is, the worst song on any soundtrack ever.

They need it for their baby hands

And that's why the AOL guy is green instead purple

Cats and women do as they please

Which is part of the reason why she killed herself, so OBVIOUSLY they're right

Simulation took on all new heights as Raiden was thrust into the game within the game. Stripped naked, tortured by Solidus, then finding out Solidus is your godfather, strange got stranger. With a stream of weird images, virtual Campbell goes crazy, Rosemary has a melodramatic breakdown in the middle of a combat

Isn't this the guy who got kicked out of a middle eastern country for being too hot?

Dragon Quest 1 is on sale for 99 cents on Android

I know nothing about fixing cars, but aren't you usually covered up more for that?

Too bad Mike Brown can't move on with his life

You assume they would?

I like Cry Play much better than Pewdiepie, that "persona" of his kills any enjoyment of watch for me

But will it have Bush?

Oh no

I bought FF3 and I enjoy playing it.