
What the fuck Mark

Pinkies up!

I hope we get to play as a chick

Resident Evil RRR: The Repeated Remake of The Only Good Resident Evil Game

Totally off topic but you're using that quote wrong. It really means that bond made though common interest are stronger than bonds made because of family

Same thing happened with the MLP fandom

Because she was in Twilight and people have a rage boner for Twilight

Baby steps ben, baby steps

America committed the largest genocide ever recorded in human history. Nazi even got their ideas from the American Eugenics movement in CA

I wish the FBI would look into Swating cases too

Man, people are crazy

If someone made a horror game about those kiddie nightmare fuels then nothing is sacred

Pretty sure this is a scene from 2 fast 2 furious

I thought it was chocolate tbh

She's way too cute

People really do forget that blacks only became full citizens 60 years ago.

If you burn the body of a person who has (or had) ebola, should you stay clear of the smoke too?

What a crappy way to teach parenting.

I guess they were all out of dignity, huh?