
Why does it have to be a all-male cast? Or even part male cast?

Like most things, it sucks if you're left handed

It's almost as if terrible people shouldn't be allowed to do shit

This looks like something I would watch

Whether or not you think that Sarang's parents deserve any of the sympathy that the authorities showed them, Love Child makes a strong case for the cultural and political significance of their story. The fact that they weren't viewed as criminals through and through has some intriguing implications in particular.

Is anyone else tired of Ancient Rome/Greece movie that have a cast 99% full of whites? Like shit I can understand 18th century Europe to a degree but I can guarantee that a major trade city that close to several wealthy Africa/Asian nation isn't that white

I rather have Wonder Women vs SuperMan but eh

They're always dead, why can't they just be retired or on break

I'd like to point out that Tumblr Feminism is fucking batshit insane

What an asshole

I'd let him beat me into submission anytime!

Bring a bag you dumbass

My point still stands, my my weapon prop is a gun I wouldn't be brazenly walking around outside with it

Maybe I'm the weird one here but if I'm in cosplay that has weapons I wouldn't carry said weapons anyother place than the con

Actually all of them are shit because they're on the xbox

Twilight for adults!

What a little bitch, I hope she dumps his ass

For real, only time I play online is on handhelds

Or how about people not be dicks and swat people? I am beyond surprised no one has died from this yet

Is it any weirder than a person who plays the game but not competitively?