
Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

no mention of time trials / speed runs? :(

There is a one mental image that I can think of this presentation conveyed.

"We swear, it is loading and will be available shortly. Please have patience."

In general, I agree with you. However, pictures are useful for rekindling memories of experiences of the past. I have gigabytes of pictures I took on my two trips to Japan. Some people have actually asked to see some of them after I explain the amazing experiences I had while visiting.

All tourist will captured a picture of a beautiful thing and places that their put a prohibited to take a picture in certain places is kinda killing the Japan tourism industries,most tourist will visit most of the famous temple at Japan ....well is their laws cannot judged it and maybe that got something

"Draw me like one of your Orlesian Qunari."

But it's just moving money around. Every dollar spent at your business was a dollar NOT spent at some other establishment. It's great for you, but it doesn't actually mean the total economy of the area is growing.

Well, we can start saving money by not spending it on economic impact studies, when we can just ask this guy what he sees.

I feel so disconnected when I hear about gamergate. The only time I ever hear anything about it is from articles criticizing it for being awful. I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying I've never encountered it. Where is this vile band of internet trolls that have gained so much attention? And why does everyone

I think the bandwidth cap is the larger problem here. Why does that even exist?

I think there needs to be at least one option between YES and NO.

I used this to find out I couldn't run Goat Simulator on my 4-year old laptop. Reason: not enough RAM.

Please note that the entire post was not about the purported infidelity:

"a site that feels bullshit-free"