
I feel so disconnected when I hear about gamergate. The only time I ever hear anything about it is from articles criticizing it for being awful. I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying I've never encountered it. Where is this vile band of internet trolls that have gained so much attention? And why does everyone

I think the bandwidth cap is the larger problem here. Why does that even exist?

I think there needs to be at least one option between YES and NO.

I used this to find out I couldn't run Goat Simulator on my 4-year old laptop. Reason: not enough RAM.

Please note that the entire post was not about the purported infidelity:

"a site that feels bullshit-free"

Welp, I played it on the Vita TV so I'd say there is a good chance.

Hi dsoundo, Mark Holmes here. As art director I can speak to this. Not having a deep games background, my inspiration came from period reference like mid-century modern architecture, graphic design, film & television title design, as well as soviet brutalist architecture, propaganda and statuary. These are the same

It is purchases, but it's cumulative for all posts from the Gawker network. Not just from this one.

It is purchases, but it's cumulative for all posts from the Gawker network. Not just from this one.

Well that's just asinine.

Miss Representation

Ash used Crunch. It was super effective.


I work for a digital agency in China, and yes, that is totally possible. However, no one wants it or does it. Most of our clients are international, and they are always trying to strike a balance between local and international tastes.

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Americans pay more for these slower wireless speeds than anyone else in the world

I think very few people pick names out of a vacuum. Most names have some connotation or meaning or association.