
How so? The same data is still being captured and sold, it’s the surveillance use part that violates Twitter’s terms of use. Everything you’ve ever posted online with your IP address is tied to you and volunteered to the internet for all to see, Geofeedia just parsed large volumes of it for consumption. The police

Doesn’t matter to me what kind of surveillance it is if participation is entirely voluntary. Tracking through social media is accepted by every single user through the terms of service. For your example to be comparative, anyone who didn’t sign up and agree to the data collection and terms to be captured would have

I’m actually disappointed, this is a great tool for the police to have . Data licensing is one of the ways Twitter makes money, same with all social media, and it’s something you agree to when you sign up. It’s all public data, something they still have access to but now can’t parse in a timely manner. Hardly an

Headline after it releases: “Greenlight developer submissions drop by 80% due to asset creation becoming too complicated.”

Wow, I was going to add a bit about Wii Sports ushering in motion controls too. Looks like that’s exactly what Rec Room is emulating which, if VR will ever reach household ubiquity, is a darn fine approach. Without even playing it, I’d bundle that with the device if I were Valve.

Even though I don’t want one of these in my house, maybe facebook can do something to further the social aspect of VR. VR is an incredibly solitary experience, and despite PS VR video promos implying otherwise, nobody has yet been able to nail social interaction with it. As much as I don’t care for multiplayer

I guess I’m part of their target audience then. The traditional movie format is dull, and network tv studios make mostly weak content. If they dumped everything external I’d still pay 10 per month for nothing but original content and just use the Amazon Prime streaming pack-in for the occasional solid network show.

So the end result of this will almost definitely be children governing children. Although a Lord Of The Flies situation may still be better than Google’s current policy of writing bots to indiscriminately hand out judgement on the whims of corporations.

How many people actually manage their inboxes? With effectively unlimited space and google’s search functionality built in, I’ve not once considered deleting an email or organizing it manually.

“Game Developer”

It’s way too soon. Props to all doing 4k marketing though, they’re on top of their game. The newest consumer grade GPUs can barely handle “stylized” native 4k gaming, console games will all be upscaled, and video content barely exists. It will be years before it’s actually worth upgrading a 1080p TV, and by then there

How many of those fired were the managers/executives responsible for promoting/allowing this illegal behavior?

Hmm, I gave this game an immediate pass because it had microtransactions and making an Origin account seemed like a bother. Might give it another look with all the praise here, although that trailer did absolutely nothing to convince me.

The framerates issue is entirely on consumers, to be fair. As long as we keep buying graphically demanding games with a 30 fps cap, they’ll keep making them. It’s not that I think PC is a better platform for gaming, my eyes just can’t take the low framerates, fov, and motion blur anymore.

This brings up a question I’ve had for a while now. Has EA’s gamble on Origin exclusives paid off for them? I assume so since they’re still at it, but it would be hard to measure either way. Maybe sales of the last Steam Battlefield minus valve’s cut vs the next exclusive entry, but that doesn’t really say much. Makes

You can regulate or close Early Access, businesses will just find another legal way to grab whatever they can from open wallets. The only real way to end preorder bonuses, season passes, early access systems, bad drm, etc. is to stop paying money for them. It took me 5 seconds to find Steam’s FAQ on Early Access which

Wildcard can do whatever they please until the game’s release. Players aren’t victims here, they bought an early access game. It’s gambling, sometimes you get burned. Not that they don’t have the right to criticize the product, that’s the whole point of early access. But you have to be able to roll with the punches

People who would subscribe to all of those services simultaneously don’t matter, they won’t leave cable. These single network plans are created out of excitement by HBO Now, but the networks failed to realize that the HBO business model is supported almost entirely by the fact that Game Of Thrones is still running.

Only in Tales games when they force you to throughout the 20 hours of tutorials.

As somebody who games on PC in the living room 100% of the time, I get progressively more sad as more bells and whistles are added to TVs, but still no freesync. I couldn’t afford Gsync, but I’d be more than willing to shell out more for a 55"+ set with decent latency/refresh rate and freesync.

As somebody who games on PC in the living room 100% of the time, I get progressively more sad as more bells and